1. The great Pentagon air crash conspiracy.
  2. The Big Brother conspiracy!
  3. Why Bagpuss is the crime underlord of Toy Town..
  4. What is Lyons Golden Syrup REALLY made from???

Other Conspiracies of note: (If the links break, let me know.)

The Barcode - Devil Conspiracy.

  1. Barcodes - are they the work of the devil?
  2. Human Barcodes?
  3. The final word.
The Bagpuss/Godfather and Big Brother conspiracies are totally copyright Captain Stable. Golden Syrup and Alien abduction conspiracies - Text is copyright Captain Stable, based upon previous ideas from different sources. The Pentagon conspiracy is stolen totally. Full credit given.
Captain Stable and Miracle Web Publishing takes no responsibility for any broken links, or actions of other persons upon reading these stories.
With eternal thanks to the readers and users at Conspiracy Watch on the Stone.
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