The Captain's Log

Log entry 21220109.09
Why is it that some people will pay extraordinary amounts of money for things, which other people just simply wouldn't? I say this, and it may sound strange for you to be reading this and think, "what's rattled his cage?" but I have just returned from a visit to a local supermarket to buy several bottles of cheap wine, which I happen to really like. Ok, so I suppose I can name drop. It is Lidl's - you know that cheap place - and the wine in question is a 2000 Chianti. After seeing an advert in the paper for this wine at a dreadful 1 pound and 89 new pence I had to wonder if it wasn't a bit, to put it bluntly, naff. But it was worth a try, so i struggled off to my local branch and purchased a bottle. One quick sample of it at home and I knew I was on a winner. Full bodied red, with a slightly fruity taste (and a whoosh of hollyhocks going straight up the....) So anyway, the next night, which just happened to by this exact one, I made the pilgrimage once more to purchase a vast quantity. Only to discover that everyone else had had the same idea, but got there first. So, I was only able to buy 3 bottles in total.
It was on the way home I was thinking about wines, and the fact that some people will only buy expensive wines, because they are expensive, therefore they taste better. Having recently returned from Italy, (Did I mention that in a previous log?) me and Mrs. S bought back 2 fantastic bottles of San Marino Spumante. Not everyone's cup of tea granted, but we liked it. In fact, we more than liked it and decided the other bottle should stay for a "special occasion." These special occasion wines. Everyone has them. One particular brand of wine that the particular person loves most of all. They keep it for years in the cupboard until that fateful dinner party when those special guests visit. Then it comes out and is savoured. At least by the host. The other guests may not like it. Wine preference is all about taste. Personally, I don't like Champagne that much. I mean I enjoy it in small quantities, but it is too dry for my taste. No doubt there are some real wine lovers (is there a wine equivalent to the CAMRA cardigan twats?) out there who are leaping up and down right now shouting "But champagne is supposed to be dry!" It's just my opinion of course. And my taste buds.
So if I was at a dinner party and the host pulled out this VERY special bottle of 1949 Don Perrinone, yes I would drink it, and enjoy it, but not as much as he would have liked.

So if you are ever invited to my house for a dinner party, and we pull out a bottle of 1.89 Lidl wine - please be grateful!

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