Letters Page!

We get lots of letters here at Miracle Web Publishing, many of them unprintable, but if you wish to be part of this experience then send your letter in to us using the form below, or email us at the usual address, marking your letter "Letter Page".

Recently recieved was this effort from someone named "Christian Perrins" who claims to be a relative of mine.

Alright John, nice website, reassuringly pointless. I'm here in the USA with Dad & Ben wasting time on the web, hope you're well, take care buddy.
Ben, Dad and some tramp we just ran over send their love.
Captain Says:Nice to know my family keep tabs on me, and it saves me having to update the site this week. Thanks Ben and Dad and Chris and some poor tramp (mind you you are over in San Fransicso, wot did you expect?) While we're on the subject of San Fransisco, did you wear a flower in your hair when you got there? and also, are there still a great abundance of green convertable VW beetle's still driving around? I refer of course to the chase scene in Bullitt with Steve McQueen.

We recieved this letter from regular reader Lurk182 - of Lurk's Hideout.. "http://geocities.com/lurkshideout". (We didn't edit the text - he is either a bad speller, or a drunkard!)

To be honedt mate i don't really like the design of the site now. I think its because all the yellow makes my eyes hurt. Or it could the smell coming from your website making my eyes water.
Captain Says:Thanks for the letter Lurk - As you can now see this whole site has been toned down to a lovely shade of Puke Yellow.

We received the following from Mrs. Stable at "[email protected]"

Mrs Stable would hereby like it known that she's gonna boycott the eye spy game n deny Captain Stable his conjugal rights until the game closes in case anyone takes up his offer (see bottom of game page).
If however, there are any well-hung blokes out there who want to win, Mrs Stable has (almost) all the answers already and will provide them in return for a good shag.

Mrs S. xoxox
Captain Says:Ummmmmmmm

Please tell me your Email Address:

Please enter your name

Ok - feel free to write your letter to me :)

Ok - I'm done with this page now..

© Copyright 1999-2001 The "Mad" Captain Stable, and Miracle Web Publishing - in Association with House of Ming productions. Go on - show me you love me - write to me!
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