Captain Stable's HOLIDAY PAGE!
"This year we're off to sunny ITALY! Y Viva Italino!"
as the song (sort of) went.. So anyway, Lido de Jeslo HERE WE COME! ( Upside, inside out.. she's livin Lido de Jeslo). Of course, we haven't been there yet, so I can't show you the pictures yet because they haven't been devoloped because the printing bloke ain't got them because we aint given them to him because we ain't taken any pictures yet! ANYWAY< I thought I would regalle you with some pictures of the last holiday I had (Gee, ain't the Net wonderful? Years ago you had to actually visit someone to bore them with your holiday snaps, now you can publish them on the web and everyone can be bored !) (I suppose Mrs. S will be REALLY upset if I take my laptop computer with mobile phone and web cam to provide streaming footage of our holiday in real time...)

Anyway - Here are some boring piccies from Captain Stable's Glactic Tour '93! Enjoy :)
Me getting all packed and ready to go!
Here all alone on this tropical planet.
I always was the curious type..
Ski-ing on the wonderful planet of Hoth - shortly before the invasion started.
Here I join up with part of a tour guide on this lovely forest moon.
Me and some old drinking buddies!

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