Wot the Critics are saying about this site(*)
This site(*) has gained international recognition, and worldwide web fame, and here are a few comments from people who have visited, or reviewed, or written to me, or that i have picked out of the paper.

Eunos Roadster - Web Designer for Eunos.roadster.tripod.com
"A wonderfully wonderful site, filled with great things to say and do. When do i get my money then?"

Edith Finkleworth - General Manager of KFC in Greater Egmondy - Devon.
"This site is laid out well, and is a joy to connect to. A shame the intro sequence doesn't work, but still."

Pete - A so called Drummer and owner of Pete's Place.
"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You are so funny! My wife nearly wet herself! Hahahahaha!"

Jim Tackle - Programmer - and creator of DreamWeaver software
"I am so sorry that DreamWeaver failed to present the introduction sequence you so wanted. Here - take this furby as a measure of our sorrow."

Bill Clinton - Ex-President of the USA

Tweaky - Buck Rogers best friend
"Biddy biddy - Great site Budd!"

Bill Gates - Some bloke
"Notmail? I think that's an infringment of copyright. I need to speak to my lawyers RIGHT AWAY!"

Colonel Sanders - President of the KFC empire
"It's finger lickin good!"

Eunos Roadster - Web Designer for Eunos.roadster.tripod.com
"Actually - the site is SO great, I have to get mentioned again!"

R2D2 - Dusty Bin wannabe
"Beep beep beepity beep"

The bloke that Plays DC Carver in The Bill - Plays DC Carver in The Bill
"This web site is... err.... ummm... Sorry - what was the line again?"

MattUk - Mplayer personality
"A great site - makes me wanna go and eat a curry and vomit on the cat!"

Saxy Cathy - Friend
"I had my suspicions before - but now I know. You are Insane!"

Cindy Crawford - Model, Actress, Whatever!
"Look - if you don't stop phoning, I will contact the police."

George Bush - Another Ex-President of somewhere.
"Read my lips - NO NEW TAXES!"

Frank Williams - Owner of Williams F1 racing team
"Captain WHO?"

(*) The words "this site" are used freely, and are not meant to imply this site in particular..
© Copyright 2000 - 'Miracle Web Publishing' in association with 'House of Ming Productions' and 'Non-Quotes Ltd'.
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