The Bagpuss - Godfather Connection...

Copyright information.. Bagpuss and The Godfather Trilogy are protected under copyright. No copyright infringement is intended by this article. All names and likenesses observed..

The BBC "CHILDRENS" show Bagpuss is obviously not intended for children at all, but is proof of the higher archiy of the BBC to inspire criminal behaviour. This is evidenced by Mario Puzo's award winning novels The GODFATHER, and the subsequent films made from these novels, which were directed by Francis Ford COPPOLA. In this essay, I shall DISCUSS the various elements contained in Bagpuss to highlight the fact that Puzo based his entire novel series on this show.

To begin with, it is best if we can watch an episode of Bagpuss. In the begining, we hear, rather than see, the narrator informing us that "once upon a time, not too long ago, there was a little girl named Emily - and she had a shop.. A very special kind of shop. Everything contained in this shop was something which once belonged to someone, which they had lost, and was now in the shop. " Immediately, we can identify this opening to the opening of the first Godfather film. If you recall, the film opens with a blank screen, and a voice over.. so the words are different, but that's just a technicality. Anyway, moving back to the words used.. "Something which once belonged to someone..." So Bagpuss's shop sells things that once belonged to someone else, which they had lost.. Continuing on the narrators lines.. "Emily owns a shop" So, the shop is not actually Bagpuss's on paper? He's got a schoolchild to take the front for him. Very sly, this saggy old cloth cat eh?

Well, the basic jist of the stories are, as we watch the drama unfold, Emily has "found" something and bought it back to Bagpuss.. Bagpuss wakes up.. and all his friends wake up too.. So, when Bagpuss says "JUMP" his friends say "How High?" He has them well trained, and I bet they would take the fall for him..So, anyway, this thing that has been "FOUND" is placed before Bagpuss. Now, before we go any further, we need to discuss Bagpuss and his friends.. Bagpuss has around 10 friends.. I shall now discuss each group individually..

So now we have discussed the individual characters which make up this crime FAMILY, we can look at the individual items of each episode. As previously discussed, EMILY or at least one of the EMILYS has "found" something, and bought it in to Bagpuss. Yaphell can come down and look at the item - identify it - offer advice on the value of it. The mice then set to work on dismantling the item, and cleaning it to make it worth re-selling. Gabrille and Madeline can provide some nice music to work to, then finally, it is priced and placed in the window.

Now - should the unthinkable happen, and the police raid the place, or even Roger Cook, Bagpuss can pretend to be asleep. Not that he needs worry.. he never touches the goods.. The mice do that.. he has no knowledge of the goods... Yaphell did that.. he didn't make the songs, or write the music... that was Gabrille and Madeline... and he didn't find the goods, or own the shop even.. that's EMILY...No, Bagpuss is safe. He looks after his friends well, and treats them with the respect they deserve. They wouldn't grass him up.. Well, maybe Gabrille, but Bagpuss can easily call on WINDY MILLAR from Trumpton to assassinate him... If they all got arrested, Bagpuss can walk free, and start again.. after all.. he's nothing more than a saggy old cloth cat. But EMILY loves him...

©1999 Miracle Publishing. Written by J V Arnold and Captain Stable.

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