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Below are a whole load of facts. The question is? which facts are actually true?

The Taj Mahal in India is in fact made from Chocolate.

It is a fact that if a dung Beetle was the same proportinal size as a person, would be able to push a bus all the way from London to Cambridge before encountering any traffic jams.

It is in fact possible to drawn a perfect Pentagram on the M25, from junctions 24 - 4 - 15 - 28 - 10 - 24

A person has 5 miles of intestines in their bodies.

Enid Blyton foretold the future in the Secret Seven books.

Elvis Presley works in the chip shop just around the corner from you.

Britany Spear's great great gandfather was Shake Spear.

Jack the Ripper was the Loch Ness Monster.

Uhurah (from Star Trek)'s name is spelt incorrectly on the credits for Star Trek 6

And speaking of Star Trek.. It is a fact that William Shatner's wig was nominated as Best Supporting Role in the 1986 Oscars.

As of 1992, Harrison Ford had starred in 6 of the worlds biggest ever grossing blockbuster films of all time..

Larger than life rock God "Meat Loaf" will not wear Levi Jeans

If you lined every person in China, so that each person is exactly 1 foot away from any other person, you would be late for work.

A double decker bus takes 137 minutes to complte it's journey.

It is also a fact that in any airplane disaster movie, the hero never eats the chicken (which is the one with the food poison).

Another little known fact is that I love my girlfriend.

Every motion picture featuring a train station or airport musg feature a nun, a sailor.. or both!

The phrase "Rule of Thumb" came into usage because in the years gone by, the thickness of a mans left thumb was the legal thickness of peice of wood the man could beat his wife with. That's a fact that is :)

If you got all the vehicles registered in Andorra and laid them end to end you would need twelve more miles of road than Andorra has...

More people are killed by donkeys every year than are killed in plane crashes.

Wombats can run up to 40km per hour and stop dead in half a stride. They kill their prey this way - their prey runs into their bum-bone and smash their face.

It is a fact that the chinese sent the USA 100 million cases of Viagra because they heard they couldnt hold an election.

The batteries in torches wear out more quickly if you shine the torch on objects that are further away...

The plaice is the only fish that can program a video recorder

Aberdeen is the Gaelic word for hypothermia

Milk crates make boring pets

The universal gravity constant G is 6.67E-11 to three significant figures. Taking this and the distance of the sun from the earth into account you are about 100g heavier at night than at midday.

George Gershwin wrote Rhapsody In Blue with a woman sitting on his face

Carrots and Parsnips used to be the same colour in mediaeval times. But the lords of the day couldn't tell the difference so a pigment was added to make them different

Millions of lost BIC biros are in fact stolen by little pixies and used to make mobile catapults that fire TV remote controls down the side of sofas.

Earth rotation is caused by penguins running around the south pole.

In Return of the Jedi (the 6th Star wars Movie), Jabba the Hutt calls Chewbacca a wanker

Niagara Falls is switched off at night.

The Sargasso Sea has no shores.

The phrase "Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis ad caput tuum saxumim mane mittam." means "I have a catapult. Give me all the money or I will fling an enormous rock at your head." in latin.?

The internet is often referred to as the 'WEB' as it was originally conceived by the Welsh Electricity Board. The internet that we know now is based on their initial idea of connecting all of the computers in Wales with a tiny thread along which spiders would carry messages.

Think you can do better? Send me an EMAIL me now and submit your idea! I promise to use your idea!(*)

© 2000-2001 Miracle Web Publishing in association with House of Ming. I bet you've got your map out and are checking out that M25 one right now... hehehehe..
(*) Promise not valid in Yankee-Land, because your idea's will be shite. Oh go on then, tell me, I promise not to laugh :)

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