Big Brother... The conspiracy...

Copyright information.. Big Brother is the property of Channel 4 and is protected under copyright. No copyright infringement is intended by this article. All names and likenesses observed..

Big Brother has proved yet again to be the British smash hit of the year (so far), a media sensation on the television, with updates available via mobile phones, live telly and the internet all 24 hours a day. Any time we wished we have been able to drop in on our captive friends, like rats in a cage, jumping through hoops. We have controlled their destinies over staying or going, we laughed with them and we cried with them. But it is all a HOAX!

YES! One big hoax. We have been taken for a ride by 11 very good actors.How do I know this? Well, the proof is right infront of your eyes. The stereotypes are larger than life.

Cast your mind back 12 months to last years record breaking sensation. The final 3 in the house in both series were:

Series 1: Craig, Anna and Darren.

Series 2: Brian, Helen and Dean.

 So what have we learned from this? Well, here are some astounding facts for you to mull over...

  1. The ratio's are exactly the same. 2 male to 1 female. Coincidence? I doubt it. The winner has been decided by the makers from day one, in fact, there are no winners - It is one well constructed script. I would hazard a guess that NEXT years big Brother show, the ratio's will be reversed to try to throw me off the scent, but I am on to the already! Chances are they will keep the established pattern to throw me off..
  2. Each year there has been a token "coloured" person. Darren, and Dean. Notice the similarity between the names. Both beginning with the letter D. Coincidence? I think not. I predict that next year a coloured person will NOT be in the last three. Or if my theory is correct then there will be!
  3. Last year's single female was Anna from Ireland. This years was Helen from Wales. Two single women with non-English accents. Coincidence? Next year I predict a woman with no non-English accent.
  4. If you take the first initials of the first year's threesome (using Craig twice because he won) you can make ACDC - which is what Brian is! Coincidence?
  5. Series 2 featured chickens, but not one called Majorie.. Coincidence?
  6. 10 people walked into the house and all the viewers were told that only that 10 would be in the house, but in BOTH series an extra person was placed into the house.

My gratitude to all the actors and actress's involved with this brilliant piece of television fiction. Especially "Helen" for a wonderfully breathtaking performance. These actors truly are the greatest having to keep acting 24 hours a day, not resting. I bet "Brian" is happy that it is all now over and he can be himself. Now, you don't have to believe me with all this, but watch out next year!

©2001 Miracle Publishing. Written by J V Arnold and Captain Stable.

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