See me live on my webcam.View Me NOW!
If my online indicator is on - my cam may be on!
Cyber Banana's are a new idea bought to you exclusively from "House of Ming Productions" and distributed by Captain Stable.

Cyber-Banana's are a new internet reward scheme operating only from registered Miracle Web Publishing outlets. They are awarded for acts of honour, bravery, courage, or if I am drunk. If YOU receive a Cyber-Banana (like the one shown on the right) then PROUDLY display it.
If you operate a web site - place it on the front page so all your vistors can see you've been great enough to earn one
If you dont operate a web site - print it out and frame it for the whole world to see. Hell - even if you DO run a web site - still print it out and show it everyone. Make it into a T-Shirt, stickers, pin badges, the list is endless.
So - you ask yourself - how do I earn one? Well currently everyone who visits the main page earns one as an apology for my lack of motivation recently. But other than that - if you email me, or chat online to me, you may receive one. Also, if you play "stones" - a new on-line puzle (Click here to learn more about stones) and help me out - you may receieve one. There are hundreds of thosands of ways to gain one.. but! I dotn want to make it too easy to gain one - else they loose their value. So if you dont get one - never mind.
Please note: It has come to my attention that the above items are infact incorrect. Namely the aforementioned internet game known as "stones" is incorrect and shall subsequentially be known as "The Stone". Also the aforementioned "The Stone" (nee Stones) is not "new" as stated in an earlier comment, but just not that old when you consider the caveman. Miracle Web Publishing formally apologise (we seem to be doing a lot of that recently) to all person who was bothered by this minor detail. (yes I know it's a really minor and trivial thing, but the person in question is "she who must be obeyed" and I dont wanna face her wraith when I go to see her next weekend. Sorry.)
(c) Copyright 2001 The "Mad"House of Ming Productions
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