High Hopes:
The Amityville Horror House

There is still so much fascination about the house in Amityville, New York that sparked the greatest hoax in America.
The house is really beautiful, however it doesn't look like this anymore. The family who owns the house has long since painted it white and removed the famous "evil eye" windows to try and disguise the house and throw off tourists. This is the way the house looked in 1974 when the Lutz family bought it (the High Hopes sign had been removed by family of the DeFeos). This is the version of the house that I am attempting to create in The Sims 2. The house isn't available for download yet, but I wanted to give everyone and look at how the project is coming along. The pictures below are comparison shots. The real house photos are beside my Sims 2 recreations.

As you can see I still have a lot of work to do on both the house and landscaping. For one thing, though I have the new Pets expansion pack I still can't get the multi-angled roof of the actual house to look right in The Sims 2. There are other problems I'm having, but they aren't really worth mentioning as I'll have them solved very soon. The inside of the house won't look anything like what it did when the DeFeo and Lutz families lived there, but the floorplan will be as close as possible. I don't have the time or the patience to create wallpaper and flooring to match the 1974 decore of the house. I hope you like the way it looks so far. Comments would be appreciated. Just email me.

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