Capistrano Valley Cougar Football
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Parent's Information Page

President ' s Message

Hello, Cougar Boosters! Are you ready for some football!? Spring football isn't far away. This year we'll be making it back to the playoffs, right?!

I'm happy to return again as President, an honor I'll always cherish. We should have a jump on last year, now that we are familiar with Coach V's program. In addition to the things that we did last year, The Black and Gold Ball will debut, and take the place of smaller fundraisers. Somewhat abbreviated this year, it has the potential to be a stellar event for years to come. Let's all participate, and make it a huge success.

As you can tell by reading this Newsletter, we have another ambitious agenda for the year. Thankfully, we also have many wonderful families who have stepped forward to chair committees and do the work. Most are families where both parents have careers, and other obligations. Many are also wearing two or three hats as Boosters. They really need and deserve help.

So once again I will ask you, the mom or dad who is reading this: Will you help us, to help these wonderful people, to help your son, and the team? People say to me, "I don't have much time, but call me if you need a hand." Well, please imagine that this is a phone call, a personal appeal, to you right now. I promise you, if you want to help, regardless of your limitations, there is something you can do. My phone number and email address are on the "contact us" page. Please call me.

May I add one more thing for the parents of Freshmen and Sophomores? There are a lot of Boosters in leadership positions whose sons are graduating this year. If you think you may be involved in Boosters in the future, now is a very good time for you to get involved. Even though you may think you are "only freshmen", or "still new", don't miss out on coming to the Booster meetings to find out what is happening.

Thank you all in advance for your kind help.I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Go Cougars! - B.C.

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