AUTHOR: Unknown. 'The Titanic' Exact figures vary from book to book, but from the report of the court of enquiry into the loss of the Titanic, around 63% of first class and 41% of second class passengers were saved. Many of the third class passengers were Irish emigrants leaving a country bled white by hundreds of years of British imperialism in the hope of a better life in America. Of these only 23% survived. For all its size, advanced engineering and luxury, the Titanic did not carry enough lifeboats for all its passengers. First and second class passengers were helped into the boats, but third class passengers had to fend for themselves. When all the boats had gone, the majority left on the ship were third class passengers and crew. Those who jumped into the sea were either overwhelmed by intense cold or were unable to get far enough away to avoid being sucked under as it went down. At the moment the ship disappeared, the White Star Line stopped the pay of those crew members who perished, marking their papers "discharged at sea". Only 24% of the crew survived. So the rich will always save themselves, leaving us to go on paying for their greed and inhumanity with our lives - and our planet. When do we start fighting back?