Everybody, If you have any interest in Anarchism, DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK! If you already have a copy, throw it away. This book has nothing to do with Anarchism, and it is dangerous in several ways. Let me identify a few for you... 1) The guy has no idea what he's copying in the bombs/explosives section. He copies from a number of sources, so you get hilarious (not hilarious for the people who get injured, I guess) contradictions- on one page a particular explosive will be described as stable and safe, and two pages later it will be listed among unstable or unsafe explosives. 2) The book contributes to the popular misconception that Anarchists are just bomb-throwers. There is nothing of Anarchist philosophy. There is nothing about community organizing. There is nothing about helping fellow human beings. 3) When the chemistry gets complicated, the author has even less of an idea what's going on. The drug section is a mess. He has copied things from weird sources, and he has copied them incorrectly. Often, he omits really important information. The LSD "recipe" is the worst of the lot. 4) The lists of Anarchist publications contains NO EXTANT PUBLICATIONS. Every one of them is defunct. Also, NOT ONE OF THEM described itself as an Anarchist publication back in the days when these publications actually existed. Now, _The Match_ has been published continuously since before the _Cookbook_ was written. Yet _the Match_ is not mentioned in the _Cookbook_. Hmmm. And _The Match_ calls itself an Anarchist periodical. It always has. The _Cookbook_ causes problems for the publishers of Anarchist newspapers and magazines in the following way... Any time one of these publishers brings copies of one of these publications into a bookstore to be sold, the newspaper or magazine will be put on display, and then the _Cookbook_ shows up next to it. This discredits the other publications, since the _Cookbook_ is such a piece of shit. Please, if your local bookstores are decent enough to actually carry Anarchist publications, take the time to go in and explain to them that the _Cookbook_ does not represent Anarchists. Ask them not to put this book on display next to Anarchist publications. Ask them to put up some kind of warning that states that the book is dangerous (because of the recipes, which could get you killed) and that it is not in any way Anarchist. Consider typing up your own warning and inserting it into the books. If you ARE interested in explosives, there are much better sources, with accurate and complete instructions on how to make, pack, shape, and store explosives. I would like to ask, if you are interested in blowing stuff up, that you not bother with Anarchism. Anarchists have to be concerned with building structures which can effect positive social change, and which have real grassroots control without any hierarchical structure. Yes, Anarchists must be able to defend themselves, and yes, Anarchists must be able to present a credible threat- power concedes nothing without a demand- but blowing stuff up and killing a cop here or there will not help anyone. It has been suggested that the _Cookbook_ is a product of American Counterintelligence or Law Enforcement. I think this could be true. Whether or not the FBI is involved, the _Cookbook_ serves their needs. It discredits Anarchism by perpetuating the common myths about Anarchists. This only helps the Authoritarians. If you REALLY want to buy a true Anarchist Cookbook, write to Food Not Bombs and ask for their handbook. It contains a lot of information on how to start and maintain a food recovery program and how to deal with police harassment, among other things. It contains vegetarian recipes for feeding large numbers of people. There are no bomb recipes, but there are guidelines for setting up a program which can actually help other people. Food Not Bombs can be reached at 3145 Geary #12, San Francisco, CA 94118 Telephone (415) 330-5030