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A Voice from Hebron
      Column of the Week

by Gary M. Cooperberg
Assad Doesn’t need to Threaten Israel
Barak is doing it for him
December 20, 1999

         Ehud Barak has apparently gone back to Clinton for help with his local public relations campaign.  He still thinks that it was Carville who won the election for him rather than Netanyahu’s failure to lead.  Who but an American public relations whiz would think to sell the Golan give-away to the Jewish People by using coercion tactics?

         Who ever heard of an experienced soldier explaining to his own people that we should surrender, because, if we don’t, the enemy will go to war with us?  Who ever heard of an elected Prime Minister of any country make such an absurd statement?  When the Israeli Prime Minister publicly threatens his own people by telling us that, if we fail to achieve a peace agreement with Syria we are inviting war, he is actually being the representative of our enemies!!!!   He is telling us, in effect, that we have no choice but to surrender to Syria for “peace”.   If we buy this garbage, then the next item on the agenda is giving away Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem to Arafat for exactly the same reason!   And why stop there?   Certainly the Arabs living in the north would prefer to be a part of the PLO state. Why not give them Haifa?   And what of the Arabs living in Jaffa?  How can we interfere with their desires without inviting war?  There is no end to this self-defeating policy.

         The fact is really simple.  Once you set the precedent that you are prepared to surrender without a fight, then the list of demands and demanders grows proportionately.  Everyone wants a piece of the Israeli pie.   And if we are giving it away, why shouldn’t everyone come to get his free piece?  No country ever gained respect and/or peace by appeasing its enemies.  On the contrary.  History has shown us that those who back down to coercion only invite more of the same.  Those who speak of gaining peace by surrender to tyranny are cowardly self-deceivers.

         Barak warned us that we should remember the scuds that were fired upon us by Iraq.  Perhaps we should also remember the right wing Israeli government which chose not to fight back.  Had we responded to the first scud with our own military might, there well may have been an end to it immediately.  Instead we trusted our security to the hands of Bush.  Doesn’t it seem strange that the combined might of all those superpowers was unable to neutralize little Iraq?  It was nothing less than a miracle that far more harm wasn’t done to this country.

         Somebody should tell our leaders that we are not a vassal of the United States.  Any leader of a sovereign nation has, as his first responsibility, the obligation to defend that nation.  Shamir failed to do this both during the intifada and the Gulf War.  And Barak is presently failing by counseling surrender to Syria.  It is nice to dream about making everyone’s mother happy in the knowledge that we are building a new world of peace and tranquility for their children.  But it is criminal to suggest that by surrendering to ruthless tyrants such will be the case.

         Now, before we find ourselves with our backs to the sea, is the time to back away from Barak and bring this government down.   Any coalition partner who can remain in this government at this time does not deserve the support of the Jewish people in the next election.  Let Shas and the NRP have the courage to at long last act like Jews and walk out of this government of treason.

The Reign of the Chamberlain Umbrella
December 15, 1999

          It truly amazes me to listen to newscasters and commentators on Israeli radio and television trying to analyze the peace negotiations with Syria.  Nearly all of them seem to find the need to note that it will be impossible for Israel to achieve peace unless we give Syria the Golan Heights.  Thus, they reason, if Barak sincerely wants peace he will have no choice but to give Assad the Golan Heights.  We then are subjected to carefully chosen representatives of people who live on the Golan Heights who love living there but who are prepared to make the bitter sacrifice to leave their homes for peace.

         Clearly the media in this country is working closely with the leftist government to convince the general population of the wisdom of making “painful” sacrifices in order to achieve real peace.  The fact is that we should be prepared to make painful sacrifices to achieve real peace.  But shooting yourself in the foot is just not the kind of sacrifice that will produce that result.  Surrendering to sworn enemies in advance of war will not bring peace, rather it will reduce the likelihood of your surviving the next war.

         Just because our enemies refuse to make any territorial compromise on lands that are not even in their possession is no reason for Israel to feel obligated to do so with lands that belong to us.  Yet it seems that, purely in reaction to Syria’s consistent refusal to as much as consider yielding one inch on her claim to the Golan Heights, Israel feels that it has an obligation to give it away!  How is it that our leaders can convince themselves that peace can be achieved with such a partner? Upon what precedent dare they assume that such a surrender would result in peace?

         As he was departing for Washington Barak declared that the rainfall that accompanied him was an indication of Divine Blessing for his mission.  Watching him on television it seemed to me to be more of a Divine Joke.  With David Levy holding the black umbrella for his Prime Minister, the picture evoked a clear reminder of another pursuer of peace. . . Neville Chamberlain.  Giving away territory for peace is nothing less than an attempt at appeasement.  And history has taught us that appeasement never results in peace, rather it encourages war.  The only way Israel can hope to achieve peace is to strengthen herself.  The stronger Israel is the less chance that our enemies will try to attack us.  And, as we deliberately weaken ourselves on all fronts, those “painful” sacrifices will not only fail to achieve peace, but will invite our peace partners to another attempt to destroy the Jewish State.

         As for referendums and Rabbinical approval of the concept of territories for peace, this too is futility.   When our fathers were redeemed from Egyptian slavery and were brought to Mount Sinai, every man woman and child was endowed with the wisdom and perception of prophets.  Each one heard the Voice of G-d issuing the ten commandments.  Every infant in that generation was on a far greater spiritual level than the greatest Torah sages in our generation.  Yet, just a short time later, Moses selected the leaders from every tribe, the cream of the crop, to scout out the Land of Israel prior to our intended homecoming.  Yet ten out of twelve of these leaders declared that we could not liberate our homeland.  They preferred to give up all of Israel for peace!!!  It was only a tiny minority, two out of twelve, who stood up and declared that we are well able to defeat our enemies and redeem our homeland.  And, in the end, it was proved that the Truth was with the minority.  Caleb and Joshua had to share the punishment of being exiled from our homeland for forty years as a result.  But, unlike the others, they lived to inherit the land.   So if we have leaders today whose spiritual level is far below that of the generation of the spies, we should not be surprised that they are capable of being wrong by looking for peace in the wrong place.

         Referendums, especially should it include Arabs, should not be the gauge by which we decide whether or not to yield to our enemies.  No self-respecting government would consider surrendering land to a weaker enemy.  The Jewish People has an even greater obligation than defending its territorial integrity.  It has an obligation to recognize the fact that all of the wars we fought and won against enemies who sought our destruction, were miracles.  Had it been G-d’s Will that the Golan Heights remain in Syria’s hands we never would have been able to take it.

         Therefore, for us to deliberately give to our enemies that which was redeemed for us by G-d and with Jewish blood, is to attempt to negate Divine miracles and to desecrate the memory of our fallen soldiers.   Such behavior will never bring peace.  Not only will it encourage war, but it will weaken the spirit of our fighting soldiers who will question the reason for fighting if after winning our leaders will simply give everything away.  Why not just surrender and save lives?

         War is always bad and peace is always good.  Nobody wants to send their sons to die on a battlefield.  But evil and tyranny do exist.  Surrendering to them will not prevent war nor bring peace.  It will only encourage more evil and tyranny.  In our imperfect world, unfortunately, there are times and conditions which necessitate war in order to overcome evil.   There are those who suggest that war is no longer necessary.  That all problems can be solved by negotiation.  This is simply not true.  The new born Jewish State never wanted war.  Had she chosen not to go to war in 1948 or 1967 or at any other of the wars we fought in this country, there would be no Jewish State today.  Does this make it rational for us to pursue a futile hope by deliberately giving our enemies military advantages by overtly surrendering and calling it a peace process?

         The concept of  “territories for peace” is an evil deception.  It is exactly the same thing that the mafia used to call “protection”.    Hoodlums would break windows and destroy property.  Then a mafia representative would offer to protect the store owner from future vandalism for a monthly payment.  Here we have Arab nations telling us that they will stop trying to murder us if we give them some of our homeland.  It is nothing less than extortion which is self perpetuating.  That any thinking individual cannot see this is hard to fathom.

         Clinton does not seek peace.  He seeks glory.  Barak knows that yielding to our enemies will not bring peace, but he fears Clinton and the possibility of loss of American financial support.  And Assad, Arafat and all the others do not seek peace.  They seek the destruction of the Jewish State and are using Clinton’s desire to undo his tarnished image as a tool to destroy Israel.

 American Jews are sitting on a Time Bomb
December 9, 1999

         During my recent speaking tour of the United States, one of the key issues I discussed was the alleged “peace process”.  During a particularly lively and responsive exchange at a synagogue in Houston my audience proved itself to be very serious in analyzing my presentation.  If the process in which we are now engaged is, as I state, a process of surrender which will not result in peace, rather in a war which we are making easier for our enemies to win, then what is the alternative?   I assured my audience that I am not a proponent of war.  Living in Israel with my family I have a more urgent desire for peace there than they do.  What I refuse to do, however, is lie to myself and pretend that we are making peace when all we are doing is digging our own graves.  We do not have a choice between war or peace.  Our choice is to risk war now by not surrendering to our enemies, or to delude ourselves by engaging in pre-emptive surrender and calling it a “peace process”.

         The fact is that the Arab war to destroy the Jewish State has never ended.  All of the Arab states, including Egypt, and Jordan, continue to plot our destruction.  All that has changed is the method.  This is no secret and anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows this fact.  In spite of this the leaders of the Jewish State continue to negotiate the terms of our self destruction with those of our enemies who are prepared to sit with us.  The PLO Trojan Horse has been pulled inside our borders.  The only reason that illegitimate entity even agrees to continue to talk with us is the fact that such talk results in clear and measurable military advantages for it.  Once these advantages come to a halt, so will the “peace” talks.  There is not a shred of hope that our having given recognition to the PLO as having autonomous rights, or even recognizing a PLO state, will result in as much as mitigating its plans to destroy Israel.  Yet our leadership still talks of “final status”, limiting our own rights to build homes in our country, and giving away more of our homeland to Arafat.   These are all reckless and desperate gestures to convince ourselves that we are making peace with our enemies, even as they mock us.  And now, the latest “news” is that Assad is prepared to continue discussing peace with Israel without demanding all of the Golan Heights as a precondition.  He will permit us to give it to him after he graciously sits at the table with us.  And Israel is delighted at this new expression of willingness to compromise.

         One fellow in Houston, after clearly being disturbed by my assertion, asked me if my wife and I are prepared to defend ourselves.  After all, he reasoned, if there will be an all out war in Israel, the army will be busy defending the borders and we will have no choice but to defend ourselves against the PLO.  Quite frankly I found the question a cynical one and I told him so.  The implication was that to stand up to our enemies is a reckless idea which will place us in danger.  Yet by surrendering in advance of war we are not making ourselves safer, rather making the war to come that much more difficult to win.

         Another problem with his question was the implication that I am courting danger merely by living in Kiryat Arba.  I could have told this fellow that my apartment doesn’t have a fancy electronic alarm system, nor do we lock or bar our doors at night as is common practice in Houston.   What is more, I could easily have turned his question back to him.  Are he and his wife prepared to defend their lives and property when the local anti semites go on a rampage in reaction to some unpredictable calamity which they may choose to blame on Jews, as has been done to our people throughout the ages in nearly every country in the world?

         The fact is that, despite the stupidity and stupendous blunders of my foolish leadership, Israel is still, and will always be, the safest place in the world for Jews to live.  The troubles we have here are of our own making.  We do not have to tolerate terror.  Rather than rewarding our enemies by giving them land, army bases, weapons and money, we should have vanquished them.  It is we who are responsible for creating new havens for terror and for encouraging its continuation by having rewarded those evil deeds.  It is also in the power of Jewish leaders in Israel to correct their mistakes and make our homeland safe for Jews to live.  Perhaps if more sensible and activist Jews would come home and participate in shaping our destiny here we could affect a change in how we deal with our enemies.

         But such is not the case in the United States.  In that country we are a tiny minority.  We are a highly visible minority which, as has always been the case, is very convenient as a scapegoat upon which to blame problems which have no obvious address.  I remember reading bumper stickers years ago during the oil crisis in the United States, when gasoline was rationed for a while.  The sticker read, “Burn Jews not oil”.  And that was nearly thirty years ago.  Today there are many potential crises which can explode overnight and ignite a huge wave of antisemitic violence.  A Jew who sits and worries about an unsafe Israel while being oblivious to the time bomb upon which he is sitting in his seemingly safe home in the United States is only deceiving himself and recklessly endangering himself and his loved ones.

         Baruch HaShem, I live in Israel.  Yes, my wife and I both have licensed handguns to protect ourselves, although we almost never feel the need to carry them.  It is dangerous to live in a country where our government grants rights to terrorists.  But it is a Jewish country.  Even our most extreme leftists are still our brothers.  We have tremendous problems to overcome among our own people.  But all of us, left and right, religious and secular, are all in the same boat.  The Arab terrorist doesn’t care about our political affiliation or whether or not we put on tfillin in the morning.  He will murder us simply because we are Jewish, as did Hitler and Haman.  When the war breaks out, as always, our common threat will unite us.  And we are in our homeland.

         But what of the Jew living in Exile?  He too has problems among his own people.  He too will discover that common threats will unite him with his brothers in Exile.  But outside of Israel, where he is a tiny minority, even his unity is of little value.  It is only in his homeland where it can save him.  As one who was born and raised in the United States I certainly do not seek to condemn that country.  It has been a place of refuge for many people and afforded incredible opportunities to my people.  It’s founding principles were even based upon Biblical concepts.   It is not to criticize America that I say these things.  What I am addressing is the reality of Jewish history and Jewish destiny.  There is only one destiny for the Jewish people and that is the Land of Israel.  Redemption is a concept whose time has come.  G-d has given a special gift to each and every Jew.  It is the ability for us to express our faith in Him in very real terms.  Right now, by making plans to come home while it is strictly our choice to do so, we can demonstrate to Him our faith and love.  Soon this gift will be taken from us in that we will be taken out of the exile by force, or perish therein and lose that ability to express our faith.  No one knows exactly when this will happen.  But it is clear that redemption is progressing.  Our rabbis ask the question, “Who is wise?” and they answer, “He who sees the future.”   Certainly our rabbis were not referring to fortune tellers.  They were referring to people with common sense who can recognize the consequences of their actions.  To pretend that our future outside of the Land of Israel is limitless is to lie to ourselves and put our families in unnecessary danger.  To be wise is to realize that redemption is rapidly unfolding before our eyes, and that the future of the Jewish People is only in the Land of Israel.

Selling Hebron in the Jerusalem Post
December 2, 1999

         Admittedly opinion columns are designed to permit different opinions to be expressed.  But yesterday’s Jerusalem Post went a bit beyond “freedom of expression” when it chose to print a report, written by an Arab, “Selling tomatoes in Hebron,” which totally falsifies facts and depicts Jews who have returned to Jewish properties in Hebron as the obstacles to peace.  The peace loving Arabs in Hebron would certainly shower Israel with love if only the Jews would leave the holy Jewish city of Hebron.  Such a concept, aside from being ridiculous, flies in the face of the concept of peace.

         It may well be that the so-called Christian Peace Team from the United States really thinks that it was contributing to peace by trying to sell tomatoes in Hebron, but, in fact, all they really accomplished was to further exacerbate an already tense situation.  I wonder how they would have been treated had they tried to sell their tomatoes in the PLO controlled part of the city.

         It is remarkable that the woman quoted in the article clearly understood and expressed her assessment that “the situation in Hebron is very dangerous”, comparing it to a time bomb, yet had no compunctions to personally interfere in such a delicate situation.  Wasn’t she even slightly concerned that her own behavior might have ignited that time bomb?

         The article goes on to explain that the mere fact that four hundred Jews are living in the City of Abraham is “making the lives of the city’s 150,000 Arabs very difficult.”  It then relates that, as a result of merely one Jew being murdered by Arabs back in 1980, a bus station was closed down.  That certainly was a serious inconvenience for the Arabs.  It fails to mention, however, that this very bus station was built by Jordan upon Jewish property for the purpose of making it impossible for Jews to ever return and regain ownership of their property.  Oh the poor suffering Arabs of Hebron.

         An outsider reading this garbage would come away feeling that Jews have unfairly imposed limitations on the freedom of Arabs in their own city.  It clearly does not recognize the fact that Hebron has always been a Jewish holy city.  The “Ibrihimi Mosque” which it refers to is, in fact, built upon the Cave of Machpelah which is the second most holy place in the world to the Jewish people.  It was purchased by our Father Abraham, as clearly described in the Bible, and it is the place where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca and Leah are all buried.  Reading the article an uninformed reader would never suspect that this holy city represents the very right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel!  It was here that G-d made his Promise to our Father Abraham to bequeath this Land to his descendants as an eternal covenant.

         The fact is that all of the Arabs living in Hebron are only living here owing to the hospitality and good will of the Israeli government.  In June of 1967 nearly all of them fled for their lives, knowing full well that any normal army would have paid them back for the murders and massacres they had perpetrated upon Jews for so many decades.  Instead they were invited to remain and live together in peace with us.  Rather than being grateful for our hospitality, they rightfully treat our stupidity with the contempt that it deserves.  They do not want 80% of Hebron.  They want 100%  of Israel.

         Foolish groups, such as this CPT group are not serving the cause of peace.  They are helping to perpetuate PLO lies and contributing to the atmosphere of confrontation.  They are participating in propaganda to illegitimize Israeli sovereignty in our homeland.

         Honest and knowledgeable Christians understand and know that the entire Land of Israel was given to the Children of Israel, the Jewish People, by G-d.  How such a group which calls itself a Christian Peace Team can expect to be serving G-d by violating His Will, asserting that some other people has rights to this Holy Land defies explanation.  But that the Jerusalem Post can print such blasphemy without at least presenting an opposite opinion speaks volumes for that organ’s value to those who seek a fair presentation of opinions.

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