A Voice From Hebron
Archive index
The following is a list of titles of past articles.  If you click on the heading of each group you can download  a zip file of all the articles in the group.

 Aug-Oct 1999

The Strategy of Fools
The Opposite of Exile is Israel
Wye do we Continue to Negotiate with Terror?
(Disney) Land for Peace
             or Take the Jerusalem Pavilion, Please
Why do Christian Zionists See What the Israeli Government Fails to See?
 "Gentlemen cry Peace, Peace, but there is no Peace"
 Immorality in Israeli Justice

May-July 1999

The Mitzvah to Vote for Netanyahu
The Blessing of Abraham, A Time of Choosing for the Nations
    “For the Day of the L-rd is near upon all the nations,
As thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee:
thy reward shall return upon thine own headObadiah 15
When Enemies become Allies
The Bitter Fruit of Israeli Democracy
America too, is part of the Cursed Exile
Beware the Lure of America the Beautiful
Our Equal Arab Citizens
The Peace of Assad

 February- April 1999

To Share our Sovereignty is to Surrender it
The Next Eulogy
A Light unto the Nations, But first we need to find a Match
Jewish Self-respect means NEVER SURRENDER Not to our Friends, and Certainly not to our Enemies
Rana in Wonderland
Netanyahu Must be Re elected
Have we Learned Anything from the Holocaust?

January 1999

How Many Jews need to be murdered before we take back our Country?
When one Sleeps with Dogs, He should not be surprised to wake up with Fleas
Another Chance to bring Real Peace, an open letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu
Judaism versus Atheism,  a debate

December 1998

Who turned the Lion of Judah into a Whimpering Pussycat?
Why Shouldn’t the Arab Stone Jews? How did he get Oslo?
If Arafat is forgiven, We should free his Murderers
If Netanyahu won’t make Havdallah, Why should Clinton?
Self-Deception or Redemption, The Choice is Ours

September-November 1998

The YESHA Counci needs counselling
The Call of the Shofar
A Gift from Arafat
One Good thing about Oslo
To Shake Hands or not to Shake Hands, Is that the Question?
"Thank you Mr. Arafat, You are Very Kind"
Who is the Real Criminal?
The Bullet that Murdered Jewish Self-Respect
Wye don't we Have Peace?
The Billion Dollar Lie

July-August 1998

Cunducting "Peace" on the Gaza Strip
And the "Peace" goes on. . .
Will the Real Shimon Peres Please Stand Up
The Source of Jewish Tragedy
We need a Jewish Fist. . . for peace
Which would you prefer, the Covenant on Mount Sinai or the Deed to the Brookly Bridge?
A Blessing and a Curse
Had Netanyahu Killed Oslo the PLO wouldn't have Murdered Rav Shlomo
How does one make Peace with Murder?

March-June 1998

Peace will only result from Winning the War
What would happen if you had a Peace Process and Only One Side Showed up?
Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu
Sounding the Shofar in Hebron
The New Jew, or the Old Jew?
Why are our leaders afraid to be proud Jews?
Nine Percent or Thirteen Percent?
Jerusalem Day,  A Day of Pride?  or Humiliation
Even though the Satan is Dancing,  Truth will Prevail
How much longer will You Force us to Depend upon Miracles?
           (An open letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu)
Surrender by any other name is still Surrender
                    Referendum or Passing the Buck?
The Immorality of Surrender will not become less if the Majority agrees

January-February 1998

"Who Is Wise?"
And the Walls come Crumbling Down
Start the Real Peace Process Stop Oslo Now
What Happened to Jewish Self-respect?
Mr. Netanyahu, What are you Waiting for?
How the Western World is Nailing its own Coffin

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