Here is an interview circa 1989 with OI POLLOI , the Scottish anarchist Oi!/punk/hardcore group.

Excerpted from FILTH zine #2 out of San Antonio, TX.
Transcribed 1/98 by Dan Sabater ([email protected])

(Original FILTH zine intro.) OI POLLOI are a band from Scotland who play Oi!-type music (along with hardcore, too), but are definitely free from the bullshit attitudes often associated with that type of music. Their lyrics cover skin and punk unity, animal rights, environmental issues as well as other things. Unfortunately, they seem to be very overlooked in this country. Their serious attitudes and refreshing musical approach are definitely worth checking out if you haven?t already. This interview was done by mail with Deek the singer (D) and Chris the Drummer (C ).

F: There?s been a lot of talk about skin + punk unity, but how do you think that this can actually be accomplished?

D: You can't have unity with fascist skinheads- only between sussed skins and punks. The biggest obstacle to this is the attitude of so many punks who automatically assume that ALL skins are nazis. This just isn't true- don't judge a book by its cover.

F: Obviously, judging by your lyrics, you don?t claim to be complete pacifists, but do you think that there is a limit that must be placed on the amount of violence we can use to achieve our goals?

C: Unfortunately, in the struggle to secure ourselves a decent future based on caring, trust and respect it is not us who dictates the state of play. Different tactics are applicable to different situations. Ghandian non-violence is hardly going to deflect water cannons + plastic bullets on the streets of Belfast. If things ever heat up, the State will throw everything in its formidable arsenal at us + it's our duty to combat and resist it with whatever means are at our disposal. Violence is the only way any real revolutionary change has been affected, and in that respect there can never be any limit on the amount of violence we next use before we see total social revolution.

F: Do you consider yourselves skinheads or punks who play Oi!?

D: In the past, at different times, various members of the band have been skinheads, but none of us are skins now. Also, we don't just play Oi!-style stuff, but some faster stuff as well. I'm not sure I consider myself a "punk" either- it can mean so many different things!

F: In a recent MRR, there was a letter by someone that implied that you were fascists. I was wondering if you'd care to comment on this?

D: There's always some pitiful person around who has nothing better to do than to spread shitty rumors and stir up trouble. It's pathetic. We're obviously not fascists as anyone who bothers to look at our lyrics/interviews will soon find out.

F: Do the band members belong to any political organizations such as Greenpeace, A.L.F. (Animal Liberation Front), etc.?

D: No, none of us belong to any political organizations, although we do support many organizations like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, etc. The guitarist and I go out hunt sabbing, but we aren't actually members of the Hunt Saboteurs Association. As to the A.L.F., it has no official "members"- folks just do actions!

F: I was wondering if you could express the band's views on drugs and alcohol?

C: Drugs + alcohol- up to the individual who consumes them unless they harm others- whether actively or passively- from smokers lighting up in non-smoking areas (after smoking since the age of 12, I gave up 2 years ago + now can sympathize with non-smokers who are nauseated by smoke in confined spaces) to women knocked about by their drunk husbands or boyfriends (even in the anarchist/punk circles such behavior seems to go unchecked). People shouldn't let any drug, illegal or not, rule their lives. This usually leads to general inactivity, apathy and brain death.

F: What do you think of the current ultra-fast noise core thing (SORE THROAT, NAPALM DEATH, etc.) that is popular in the UK now?

C: I personally see it as not particularly different to any other fashion, be it New Romantic or Stach. The "music" (& I use that term in its widest possible application) is fucking garbage from the snippets of the bands you mention I have had the misfortune to have afflicted on my ears at people's houses. The bands' integrity is also clearly visible from the blatant commercialism of "hardcore" (sweatshirts at 20 pounds a throw- pretty close to punk ethics, eh?). All I can say is if these bands are so concerned with getting their message across they should flag their gear and buy a photocopier.

F: What kind of reaction do most skins have toward your lyrics/music and the toward band itself?

D: Nazi skins hate us but we ain't really had any trouble with them- they don't come to our gigs. In some places though (like Berlin) we've got a lot of anti-fascist skinheads an our gigs all dancing and singing along which is great- yeah!

F: What do you think of the current bad press that animal rights groups which choose to take direct action have gotten?

D: It's only to be expected given the very real effect the ALF is having and the vast amount of economic damage being inflicted on animal abusers by direct action. It's pretty irrelevant whether the public is given a false picture though, 'cos most people are so apathetic they don't do anything anyway.

F: What do you think of the situation in Ireland and the IRA?

C: It never fails to amuse me when the likes of CHUMBAWAMBA expose their political naivet� by eulogizing the likes of the Provos, the RAF, CCC, etc. and other "National Liberation" struggles and their political/combative groupings. Means do not necessarily justify the ends & vice versa. Just because self-proclaimed university drop-out "saviors of the Working Class" such as Action Directe in France or our own homegrown Angry Brigade of yesteryear blow up some military base or newspaper office it doesn't mean their MAOIST utopia would be the nicest place to live. I think I'd rather have Thatcher's Britain!

F: What are the band members' favorite foods?

C: Indian, Mexican and Italian food. For a groovy snack, check out TIVALS kosher vegetarian slicing sausage. Mmmmm!

D: Fresh fruit salad, nut roast, currant buns- these are some of my faves! Don't know about the others, but we're all vegetarians.

F: What do you have planned for the future?

D: Well, we've just returned from a brilliant European tour which we really enjoyed so we hope to go back later this year. We're also planning UK tours with CRUCIAL YOUTH from the US, and COMRADE, a brilliant anti-fascist skinhead band from Belgium. Hopefully there will also be some new vinyl at the end of the year.

F: Anything else you wanna add?

D: Thanks to yourself for featuring us and a special thanks to FEED YOUR HEAD from Manchester who we've just toured with. Cheers lads, we had a BRILLIANT time. Unite and win!

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