Resolved:  The fight against racism is inherently tied to, and cannot be waged effectively outside the context of class struggle.

Racism is NOT inherent in any human beings.  The notion that Caucasians somehow have a distinct propensity towards oppression or racism is simply a flight of middle class fancy, propagated by guilt ridden, privileged, and tenured people who want to help “those oppressed folks”.

By not adopting a public class analysis of racism, ARA limits its ability to do much  more than preach to the choir, and the issue of ghettoization and subcultural compartmentalization of radical politics for the sake of being “the good white people”, rather than taking an effective and revolutionary position arises.

There is a defacto notion within ara, at least to someone outside looking in, that racism is simply something that bad white people do to people of color.  This is not only untrue, but a dangerous myth to propagate, assuming that people genuinely ARE interested in fighting racism.

Racism does not only affect its primary victims.  It is willfully fostered by the ruling class to force working people into divisive and antagonistic relationships with each other.  When a white person falls into this trap, they are victimized as well because the powerless of the working class is fractured, and any possibility for higher standards of living and economic democracy is destroyed.

White workers MUST be made to understand that they share a common fate with workers of every variety, regardless of the token privilege they may be afforded by capitalists, and that they have more in common with a worker of a different “race” than a boss of their own.

ARA is one of, if not the largest and fastest growing sections of the American left today, and stands to affect changes that will change the course of the earth’s history.  Literally.

Meanwhile, economic conditions in this country and others are worsening.  The gulf between the sickeningly wealthy and the desperately poor widens every day.  Fascism, with its revolutionary rhetoric and reactionary program appeals to working and poor white people faced with an antiracist movement that appears to hold nothing but disdain for them, and refuses to help push them towards a class conscious anti-racism.  If ARA allows itself to dissipate into a reformist anti racist organization, shouting buzzwords and offering Band-Aid solutions to deep societal wounds, it is by proxy opening the flood gates for apathy at best, and a growth of the reactionary and fascist right hereto unseen in the last 50 years.

We therefore submit the following addition to the points of unity:


We recognize that racism is manufactured and fostered by capitalists and those who serve their interests, in order to create false divisions between people.  Racism is a form of economic control over ALL peoples, and serves only to protect the wealth of those who profit from stealing  the labor of the working class.  While exploitation and oppression can not be reduced to simple economics, we understand that there exists a willful and inherent interest in the promotion of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc by capitalism.

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