5.01  Before the Meeting
            5.02  Opening
            5.03  Introduction of Guest
            5.04  Reports
            5.05  Old and New Business
            5.06  Advisor's Comments
            5.07  Closing

5.01 BEFORE THE MEETING A. A Squad Sergeant, designated by the Post Captain or Lieutenant, is responsible for preparing the meeting room, program materials, and equipment which shall include chairs being set up and other equipment when required. B. The Captain or supervisor in charge should have a detailed written agenda developed in advance of the meeting. 5.02 OPENING All regularly scheduled meetings will be on Thursday evenings and WILL begin at 6:30 p.m. 5.03 INTRODUCTION OF GUEST All guest should be identified, introduced by the Post Captain or Lieutenant, and made to feel welcome. This is to include possible new recruits. 5.04 REPORTS A. Ride-Along Program The Captain should ask each Explorer who has participated in the Ride-Along Program during the previous week to make a brief report on the activities of the Ride-Along. B. Captain's Report The Captain will report on any special activities which occurred during the previous week and present new information. C. Lieutenant's Report The Lieutenant shall make a brief report on the bank balance, collect Post dues and remind members of any forthcoming financial responsibilities. 5.05 OLD AND NEW BUSINESS The Captain shall direct discussion and follow-up on old business. The Captain shall then direct discussion on new business. The floor shall be opened for any other new business. 5.06 ADVISOR'S COMMENTS The Post/Associate Advisor may make a brief report on any business or activities. The Advisor will then describe the evening activity and introduce any special speakers or activity leaders. The lesson for that night will then begin. 5.07 CLOSING Explorers are reminded of upcoming activities and the date, time, and place of the next meeting. All regularly scheduled meetings should conclude at approximately 8:30 p.m. A squad Sergeant, designated by the Post Captain or Lieutenant, is responsible for the clean-up of the meeting room and the putting away of program materials and equipment.

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