Pictures of Open Clusters

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hyades.gif (28018 bytes) Hyades, Large open cluster in Taurus, best in binoculars. Includes the first magnitude star Alpha Taurus or Aldebaran.   55mm f2 lens guided by 10" Meade LX200 f10, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single three minute exposure.
ngc884.gif (71661 bytes) NGC884/869, Double Cluster in Perseus. Superb pair of open clusters, magnificent at low power or through binoculars.  200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Meade LX200 f10, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single three minute exposure.
ngc884.gif (71661 bytes) NGC884/869, Double Cluster in Perseus. Superb pair of open clusters, magnificent at low power or through binoculars.  200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Meade LX200 f10, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single three minute exposure.
m11.gif (34034 bytes) M11, Wild Duck Open Cluster in Scutum, Mag 5.8, 14'. 500 stars to magnitude 14, one of the best open clusters. 
10" Orion Optics GX250 Newtonian f4.8, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Multiple exposures : Effective integration time 3 minutes.
m29.gif (58558 bytes) M29, Open Cluster in Cygnus, Mag 6.6, 7', 50 stars.
200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Orion Optics GX250 Newtonian f4.8, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Integration time 2 minutes.
m34.gif (34924 bytes) M34, Open Cluster in Perseus. Mag 5.2, 35', 100 stars.
200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Meade LX200 SCT f6.3, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single 3 minute exposure.
m35.gif (66948 bytes) M35, Open Cluster in Gemini. Mag 5.1, 28', 300 stars. Note small cluster NGC2158 30' SW - click here for close up of NGC2158.
200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Meade LX200 SCT f6.3, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single 3 minute exposure.
m36c.gif (42426 bytes) M36, Open cluster in Auriga. Mag 6, 12', 60 stars.
200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Meade LX200 SCT f10, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single exposure 3 minutes. For a higher magnification view click here.
m37c.gif (37332 bytes) M37, Open Cluster in Auriga. Mag 5.6, 24', magnificent cluster, 500+ stars.
200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Meade LX200 SCT f10, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single exposure 3 minutes. For a higher magnification view click here.
m38c.gif (33728 bytes) M38, Open cluster in Auriga. Mag 6.4, 21', 100 stars. Look for small nearby cluster NGC 1907.
200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Meade LX200 SCT f10, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single exposure 3 minutes. For a higher magnification view click here.
m39.gif (58805 bytes) M39, Open Cluster in Cygnus, Mag 4.6, 32'. Large, bright, but just 30 stars.
200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Orion Optics GX250 Newtonian f4.8, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Integration time 2 minutes.
m45.gif (53664 bytes) M45, The Pleiades in Taurus, classic cluster.
200mm f3.5 lens guided by 10" Orion Optics GX250 f4.8, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Integration time 5 minutes.
m52.gif (74702 bytes) M52, Open Cluster in Cassiopeia, Mag 6.9, 13', 200 stars.
- 10" Orion Optics GX250 Newtonian f4.8, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Multiple exposures : Effective integration time 3 minutes.
M103, Open Cluster in Cassiopeia, Mag 7.4, 6'
- 10" Meade LX200 SCT f4, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single 1 minute exposure.
ngc2158.gif (68527 bytes) NGC2158, Open Cluster in Gemini. Small cluster 30' SW of M35 - try and see if you can see it and then if you can resolve any stars - it looks like a fuzzy blob by eye in my 10" scope. 10" Meade LX200 f6.3, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Three exposures of 3 minutes summed to 9 minute equivalent.
m50.gif (44547 bytes) M50, Open Cluster in Monoceros, Mag 5.9, 16', 100 stars mag 9 -14.
10" Meade LX200 f6.3, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single 3 minute exposure.
m46.gif (62989 bytes) M46, Open Cluster in Puppis, Mag 6.1, 27', 150 stars mag 10 -13. Also shows Planetary Nebula NGC2438, Mag 11.0, 1.1'.
10" Meade LX200 f6.3, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Two exposures of 3 minutes each, summed together.
m47.gif (20407 bytes) M47, Open Cluster in Puppis, Mag 4.4, 30', 30 stars bright but sparse. Two double stars involved.
10" Meade LX200 f6.3, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single 1 minute exposure.
m48.gif (32073 bytes) M48, Open Cluster in Hydra, Mag 5.8, 54', 50 stars mag 9 -13. Large cluster - this photograph only shows the centre.
10" Meade LX200 f6.3, Starlight Xpress MX5 CCD. Single 1 minute exposure.

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