EH 101

 A finales de 1970, la confrontación con cientos de submarinos de ataque soviéticos, que amenazaban las líneas marítimas que conectaban Europa con América en tiempos de la guerra fría, hizo que la British Royal Navy y la Marina Militaire Italiane (MMI, o marina Italiana) formularan un requerimiento por una helicóptero antisubmarino avanzado, para reemplazar al Sikorsky-Agusta- Westland Sea King, en servicio en esa época.

Se lo denominó primeramente como “WG.34”. El requerimiento básicamente fue de un helicóptero mas compacto que el Sea King, con más capacidad de carga y por supuesto un mantenimiento y operación mejorado.

Los debates entre Westland y Agusta resultaron rapidamente en la formación, en 1980, de una unión de empresas llamada "European Helicopter (EH) Industries", con su centro en Londres, para desarrollar el helicóptero que se denominaría "EH101". Mientras el estudio progresaba, se decidió desarrollar una versión de transporte al mismo tiempo, últimamente existen varias versiones como:

·         Series 100: Versión naval Básica
Series 200: Versión naval utilitaria, sin rampa trasera.
Series 300: Versión para transporte de pasajeros comercial, equipada con instrumental full IFR.
Series 400: Versión de transporte del ejército.
Series 500: Variante civil con rampa trasera de carga y full avionica.

  • El primer prototipo, designado “PP1”, voló en Inglaterra el 9 de octubre de 1987. El prototipo de pruebas en tierra fue denominado “PP0”.

  • El “PP2” fue construido en Italia, volando un mes después que el “PP1”, y fue usado para pruebas en un barco de la armada italiana. Desafortunadamente se accidentó en 1993.

  • El “PP3” fue una variante civil.

  • El "PP4", "PP5", "PP6", y el  "PP7" volaron en 1989.

  • El “PP8” y el “PP9” fueron variantes civiles.

Los pedidos se ubicaron en 1991, con la certificación civil para Gran Bretaña, Italia y USA en 1994.

El EH101 es un helicóptero atractivo, de configuración convencional, con un rotor principal de 5 palas, un rotor de cola de 4 palas y un tren de aterrizaje retráctil. Esta potenciado por tres turbinas, dependiendo de las varientes la marca del motor. El rotor es de material compuesto, con el fuselaje de una aleación de aluminio-litio.

El desarrollo del EH101 fue largo, en parte debido a los cambios de requerimientos debido al fin de la guerra fría, en parte a dificultades técnicas y también a la quiebra de la Westland en 1986, sin contar con los tres accidentes que sufrieron distintos prototipos.

En julio de 2000, EH Industries fue reemplazada por un consorcio total formado por Agusta y Westland, pasándose a llamar "Agusta-Westland", por lo tanto el EH101 se lo denomina "Agusta-Westland EH101".


                      EH101 Civil
                      EH101 Utility
                      EH101 Naval
                      EH101 SAR

 In the late 1970s, confronted with hundreds of Soviet attack submarines that threatened the sea lanes connecting Europe to America in time of war, the British Royal Navy (RN) and the Marina Militaire Italiane (MMI, or Italian Navy) formulated a requirement for an advanced antisubmarine warfare (ASW) helicopter, to replace the Sikorsky-Agusta-Westland Sea King then in service for this role.

Westland of Britain's initial studies for a "Sea King Replacement (SKR)" were given the designation "WG.34". Basic requirements were for a helicopter that was more compact than the Sea King, but had a greater lift capability, and of course general improvements in operational performance and maintainability.

Discussions between Westland and Agusta of Italy on the SKR quickly resulted in the formation in June 1980 of a joint company named "European Helicopter (EH) Industries", with its headquarters in London, to develop the new helicopter, which was designated "EH101". Work was apportioned between the two parent companies to give them roughly equal shares without duplication.

As design studies progressed, it was decided that transport versions should be developed as well. Ultimately, a number of different EH101 variants were proposed:

·         Series 100: Basic naval version.
Series 200: Naval utility version, without rear loading ramp.
Series 300: The "Heliliner", a commercial passenger version, equipped with airline avionics for all-weather operations to oil platforms.
Series 400: Army transport version
Series 500: Civil utility variant with rear loading ramp, and avionics and equipment to fit customer requirements.

A full-scale mockup of the EH101 was displayed at the Paris Air Show in 1985. A single ground test airframe called the "Iron Bird" and a total of nine flying preproduction prototypes ("PP"s) were built:

  • The first prototype, designated "PP1", first flew in Britain on 9 October 1987. By the way, the nonflying "Iron Bird" was designated "PP0".

  • "PP2" was built in Italy, flying a month after PP1, and was used for deck trials on Italian Navy ships. Unfortunately, this aircraft crashed in early 1993, resulting in the grounding of all EH101 prototypes for five months.

  • "PP3" was a civil variant prototype, and first flew on 30 September 1988. It was used for icing trials in Canada, and also used for weapons carriage tests.

  • "PP4", "PP5", "PP6", and "PP7" all flew in 1989. PP4 was a general naval EH101, and crashed due to a control-rod failure in 1995. PP5 was the development prototype for the Royal Navy ASW variant. PP6 was built by Agusta and was the development prototype for Italian Navy variants. PP7 was the development prototype for the military utility variant, with a rear loading ramp. It was written off after an emergency landing in Italy in 1996.

  • "PP8" flew in 1990, and "PP9" flew in 1991. Both of these were civil variant prototypes.

Initial production orders for the EH101 took place in 1991, with civil certification for the UK, Italy, and US following in 1994.

The EH-101 has an emergency floatation system using helium-inflated polyethylene-kevlar floats, as well as anti-icing features such as sideways-facing turbine inlets, provided because icing was a severe problem with the Sea King. The EH101 has a single-point pressure refueling system that allows the aircraft to be "topped off" in a few minutes.

Development of the EH101 was protracted, partly because of changes in defense requirements due to the end of the Cold War; partly because of technical difficulties, particularly for the complex avionics systems for the ASW variants; partly because of the bankruptcy of Westland in 1986, with the company rescued by the US United Technologies Corporation, parent of Sikorsky, and Fiat of Italy; and partly because of the loss of three prototypes in accidents.

In July 2000, EH Industries was replaced by a full merger of Agusta and Westland, known simply as "Agusta-Westland", and the EH101 is now properly referred to as the "Agusta-Westland EH101".


                      EH101 Civil
                      EH101 Utility
                      EH101 Naval
                      EH101 SAR





First Flight
Primer Vuelo



3 GE T700-T6A1
3 RR Turbomeca RTM322

Seating Capacity

2 / 30


2270 SHP each (RR)
2145 SHP each (GE)
SHP Cont (RR)
1870 SHP Cont (GE)

Empty Weight
Peso Vacío

20188 Lb

Hover Ceiling O.G.E.
Estacionario O.G.E

3500 Ft

Maximum Weight
Peso Máximo

32188 Lb

Hover Ceiling I.G.E.
Estacionario I.G.E

7200 Ft

Vel. Cruise
Vel. crucero

150 Kts

Service Ceiling
Techo de Servicio

 15000 Ft


167 Kts

Maximum Range (Std)
Alcance (Std)

750 NM

Dimensions / Dimensiones

Fuselage Length Rotors
Fuselaje Largo Rotores

74,80 ft
22,80 m

Main Rotor Diameter
Diam. Rotor Principal 

61,02 ft
18,60 m

Total Height
Alto Total

17,58 ft
5,36 m

Tail Rotor Diameter
Diam. Rotor de Cola

13,12 ft
4,0 m


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