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Our Favorite National Ukrainian and International Food
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Perogie - Pyrohy - Varenyky Dough

3 large yellow onions, chopped
3-4 lb. pork, diced (save trimmed fat, chopped finely)
8 oz. mushrooms, diced
2 1/2 cups of flour
1/2 tsp. of salt
1 egg
2 tsp. oil
3/4 cup of warm water


Mix the flour with the salt in a deep bowl. Add the egg, oil and water to make a medium soft dough. Knead on a floured boarduntil the dough is smooth. Caution: Too much kneading will toughen the dough. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Cover andlet it stand for at least 10 minutes.

Prepare the filling. The filling should be thick enough to hold its shape. Roll the dough quite thin on a floured board. Cutrounds with a large biscuit cutter, or as most Ukrainian Baba's did with the open end of a glass. Put the round in the palm ofyour hand. Place a spoonful of filling in it, fold over to form a half circle and press the edges together with the fingers. The edges should be free of filling. Be sure the edges are sealed well to prevent the filling from running out. Place theperogie on a floured board or tea towel and then cover with another tea towel to prevent them form drying out.


- Drop a few perogies into a large quantity of rapidly boiling salted water. Do not attempt to cook too may at a time. Stir VERY gently with a wooden spoon to separate them and to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot. Continue boiling for 3 - 4 minutes. The cooling period will depend upon the size you made it, the thickness of the dough and the filling. Perogies will be ready when they are puffed. Remove them with a perforated spoon or skimmer to a colander and drain thoroughly. Place in a deep dish, sprinkle generously with melted butter to prevent them from sticking. Cover and keep them hot until all are cooked. Serve in a large dish without piling or crowding them. Top with melted butter - chopped crisp bacon and/or chopped onions lightly browned in butter.


- One of the great things about perogies, is that they can be made in large quantities, refrigerated, frozen andreheated without lost of quality. Many prefer reheated perogies as compared to freshly boiled ones.

To re--heat, you can.....
1) pan fry perogies in butter or bacon fat until they are light in colour..

2) heat the perogies in the top of a double boiler or in the oven until they are hot and plump.

3) Deep fry them.



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