US Military Aircraft Callsigns

US Military Aircraft Callsigns

Version 1.7
Created 1 March 1998
Last Updated 9 January 1999

Callsign        Unit            Type Aircraft
Able            81st FS         A-10
Ablo            55th Wing       RC-135
Acton           55th Wing       RC-135
Airgun          Hill AFB        F-16
Amber           492nd FS        F-15E
Amour                           Transport a/c; unkwn type
Angel           1st ACCS        E-4B
Anvil           130th AS WV ANG C-130H
Argos           28th BW         B-1B
Argus           1st MiBN        RC-12K
Ashley                          P-3C
Argus           1st MIB         RC-12K
Arter           552nd AW&CW     E-3B/C
Auris           55th Wing       RC-135
Austin          48th FW         F-15E
Avalon          11th ALS        C-9A
Badger          494th FS        F-15E
Baine           512th FS        F-16C/D
Bama            55th RW         RC-135 
Bandsaw         552nd AW&CW     E-3B/C
Banshee         VMAQ-1          EA-6B
Barrel          100th ARW       KC-135R
Basic                           F-16
Bash            31st FW         F-16
Bass            722nd ARW       KC-10A
Beefstake       VS-21           S-3B
Belly           9th RW          U-2S
Bite            48th FW         F-15E
Black Eagle                     E-2C
Bobby                           Tanker
Bone            28th BW         B-1B
Bookshelf                       EC-130E ABCCC
Borrow          19th ARW        KC-135R
Bosox           494th FS        F-15E
Bowler          492nd FS        F-15E
Brew            95th ALS        C-130H
Bubba           81st FS         A-10
Buck            494th FS        F-15E
Bull            22nd FS         F-16
		50th AS         C-130H3
Bullet          8th FW          F-16C
Burn            Vermont ANG     F-16
Buzzard         81st FS         A-10
Cacti           305th AMW       KC-10
Caddy           81st FS         A-10
Caesar          145th ARS       KC-135R
Cagey           Little Rock AFB C-130
Cajun           2nd BW          B-52H
Capon           9th RW          U-2S
Carp            62nd AW         C-141B
Cart            492nd FS        F-15E
Casey 01                        KC-135E 57-2589
Cash            31st FW         F-16C/D
Casino          145th ARS       KC-135R
Cat             VMA-311         AV-8B
Catbird         CinCAFSE        VP-3A
Cave            512th FS        F-16C/D
Century         552nd AW&CW     E-3B/C
Champagne       Andrews?        C-130
Checker Ops     ?????????????????????
China                           KC-135
Chippy          VFA-195         FA-18C
Claw            53rd FS         F-15C/D
Clue            USEUCOM         C-12A/C-21A
Cobra           55th Wing       OC-135W
                Edwards         F-15
Coder           108th ARS       KC-135E 
Combat          VMFA(AW)-121    FA-18D
Conic           Pope            C-130E
Copper          494th FS        F-15E
Couch           81st FS         A-10A
Cougar          494th FS        F-15E
Crank           22nd FS         F-16C/D
		81st FS         A-10
Crown                           HC-130
Cunard          48th FW         F-15E
Cyborg          81st FS         A-10
Cylon           493rd FS        F-15C/D  
Danic           Mountain Home   F-15
Dark                            B-1B?
Darkstar        552nd AW&CW     E-3B/C
Dart            22nd FS         F-16C/D
Debby           1st ACCS        E-4B
Decoy           WV ANG          C-130
Deevy           81st FS         A-10
Demo            Lakenheath      F-15??
Demon           23rd FS         F-16C/D
Derby                           C-130
Dillon          Buckley         T-43
Dipper          492nd FS        F-15E
Dock            23rd FS         F-16C/D
Dog             VMAQ-3          EA-6B
Donar           9th RW          U-2S
Doom            2nd BW          B-52H
Draco           81st FS         A-10
Dragon          81st FS         A-10
		512th FS        F-16C/D
                VFA-192         FA-18C
Dragnet         552nd AW&CW     E-3B/C
Drako           99th SRS        U-2S
Drum            19th ARW        KC-135R
Duke                            C-12
Eagle           53rd FS         F-15C/D
		493rd FS        F-15C/D
Earl            92nd ARW        KC-135T
Easy            VMAQ-2          EA-6B
Elco            9th RW          U-2S
Electric        1st ACCS        E-4B
Elvis           42nd ACCS       EC-130E
Eskan           319th ARW       KC-135R
Esso            191st ARS       KC-135E 
Ethel           93rd ARS        KC-135R
Expo            116th ARS       KC-135E 
Falcon          22nd FS         F-16C/D
Falls           43rd ARS        KC-135R
Faro            9th RW          U-2S
Fast            Syracuse        F-16 
Fiero           46th ARS        KC-135
Firth           9th RW          U-2S
Fred            31st FW         F-16C/D
Frisco                          C-141B
Fury            23rd FS         F-16C/D
Fuzzy           136th ARS       KC-135R 
Gamble          23rd FS         F-16C/D
Game                            F-15
Garbo           1st ACCS        E-4B
Gator           22nd FS         F-16
Geld            Aircraft based at Eglin, possibly trnspt type
Genus           9th RW          U-2S
Gomer           512th FS        F-16C/D
Gopher          934th AG        C-130
Gordo           1st ACCS        E-4B Front-end c/s
Grayhawk                        E-2C
Grit            6th AvnDet      C-12C
Grizzly         23rd FS         F-16
                163rd ARW       KC-135R
Grow            9th RW          U-2S
Gundog          512th FS        F-16C/D
Gunhog          81st FS         A-10
Gunman          23rd FS         F-16C/D
Group           9th RW          U-2S
Grouse          492nd FS        F-15E
Gypsy           492nd FS        F-15E
Haiti           9th RW          U-2S
Hang            512th FS        F-16C/D
Hang            95th RS         RC-135
Happy           108th ARS       KC-135E 
Havoc           2nd BW          B-52H
Hawk                            B-1B
		81st FS         A-10
                VMAQ-4          EA-6B
Hawkeye         Des Moines      F-16
Head            512th FS        F-16C/D
Herky           37th ALS        C-130E
Hitman          Pope            C-130E
Hobby           815th ALS       C-130E
Hobo            22nd FS         F-16C/D
		81st FS         A-10
Hoist           305th AMW       KC-10
Hook            86th AW         C-21A
                VMAQ-4          EA-6B
Hops            Boise           C-130
Hoss            81st FS         A-10
Huck            2nd BW          B-52H
Hunt                            C-141B
Hunter          VFA-201         F-14
Husker          173rd ARS       KC-135R
Indy            7th ARS         KC-135R
Inlay           108th ARS       KC-135E 
Irma            9th RW          U-2S
Ironcrow        VAQ-136         EA-6B
Jazz            122nd FS        F-15A/B 
Jedda           31st FW         F-16C/D
Jesse           180th AS        C-130H 
Joint Stars                     E-8
Jumbo           56th ALS        C-5A
		337th ALS       C-5A 
King            71st RQS        HC-130
		102nd RQS       HC-130
		129th RQS       HC-130 
Kippa           494th FS        F-15E 
Kiska           28th BW         B-1B
Knife           22nd FS         F-16C/D
Knight          31st FW         F-16C/D
		VMFA-314        FA-18
                VF-154          F-14A
Kong            512th FS        F-16C/D
Kovak           9th RW          U-2S
Krokus          494th FS        F-15E
Lancer          23rd FS         F-16C/D
                VMFA-212        FA-18C
Lark            55th Wing       RC-135
Liberty         VAW-115         E-2C
Live            68th ALS        C-5A
Lobo            53rd FS         F-15C/D
Look            55th Wing       EC/RC-135
Lord            US Army         C-12/U-21 
Lynx            494th FS        F-15E   
McDuff          494th FS        F-15E
McKay           9th RW          U-2S
Mace            VFA-27          FA-18C
Macho           81st FS         A-10
Maitai                          F-15
Mako                            F-16
Marcha          9th RW          U-2S
Mark            76th ALS        C-20A/C-21
Marlin          23rd FS         F-16C/D
		USN             C-12
Mash            19th ARW        KC-135R
Misty           193rd SOS       EC-130E 
		VX-9            FA-18
Mogas           71st ARS        KC-135Q
Mongo           512th FS        F-16C/D
Mot             76th ALS        C-20/C-21
Music           Nashville       C-130
Muskey          37th BS         B-1B
Nancy           9th RW          U-2S
		62nd AW         C-141B
Natro           9th RW          U-2S
Network         355th Wg        EC-130H 
Norse           46th BS         B-1B
Old             435th AW        C-130E
Olive           7th ARS         KC-135R
		55th Wing       RC-135
Omar            VFC-12          FA-18C
Opec                            KC-10
Open Skies      55th Wing       OC-135W
Otis            VMGR-252        KC-130F/R
Otto            63rd ARS        KC-135E 
Pacaf                           Usually C-135E 
Pack            133rd ARS       KC-135R 
Packer          22nd FS         F-16C/D
Panama          512th FS        F-16C/D
		494th FS        F-15E
		81st FS         A/OA-10
Pass            9th RW          U-2S
Password        VRC-50          C-2A
Pasta           81st FS         A-10
Pecos           81st FS         A-10
Pine            28th ARS        KC-135R
		42nd ARS        KC-135R
Pinion          9th RW          U-2S
Pistol                          T-34
Pit             108th ARS       KC-135E 
Poker           28th ARS        KC-135R
Popa            81st FS         A-10
Pyrex           Phoenix         F-16
Quid            100th ARW       MILDENHALL TANKERS
Radar           492nd FS        F-15E
Raid            46th BS         B-1B
		319th ARW       KC-135R
Raider          VMGR-352        KC-130R
Rake            Laughlin AFB    T-1A
Rally           22nd FS         F-16
Rambo           31st FW         F-16C/D
Ramet           72nd ARS        KC-135E
Ramit           63rd ARS        KC-135R
Ramrod          22nd FS         F-16C/D
Raney           55th Wing       RC-135
Rats            492nd FS        F-15E
Razor                           E-8C (Former EC-135K c/s)
Red             492nd FS        F-15E
Red Lion        HS-15           HH/SH-60
Reheat          492nd FS        F-15E   
Reno            494th FS        F-15E
Rex             492nd FS        F-15E
Rhet            19th ARW        KC-135R/EC-137D
Rick            NKC-135                                                                                     Hrd 2-OCT-98 11175khz w/Orion? Control
Rider           81st FS         F-16C/D
Riley           62nd AW         C-141B
Ringo           22nd FS         F-16
Rival                           F-16
River           VFA-204         FA-18
Robus           512th FS        F-16C/D
Rocket          81st FS         F-16C/D
Rod                             C-5?
Roman                           FA-18
Rook            9th RW          U-2S
Ruler                           C-141B
Rumble          492nd FS        F-15E
Sabre                           B-1B??
Satan           23rd FS         F-16C/D
Sentry          552nd AW&CW     E-3B/C
Shadow          22nd FS         F-16C/D
Shark           492nd FS        F-15E
Shaw            4th Wing        F-15E
Shell           319th ARW       KC-135R
Shep            Sheppard AFB    T-37B
Shifty          494th FS        F-15E
Shogun          18th Wing       F-15C
Shooter         VMAT-101        FA-18D
Shut            108th ARS       KC-135E 
Sijan           22nd FS         F-16C/D
Silky           97th AMW        KC-135R
Simka           VQ-4            E-6A/B
Sing            552nd ACW       E-3B/C
Skate           492nd FS        F-15E
Skid            23rd FS         F-16C/D
Skier                           HC-130
Slam            81st FS         A-10
Sled            46th ARS        KC-135A
Sleet           9th RW          U-2S
Sleevy          81st FS         A-10
Smoke           VMFA-134        FA-18A
Snake           VMFA-323        FA-18C
Sniper          81st FS         A-10
Snoop           55th Wing       RC-135U/V/W
Sock            23rd FS         F-16C/D
Soda            81st FS         A-10A
Sooner          185th AS        C-130H 
Spad                            F-16
Spar            VIP FLIGHTS
Spatz           97th AMW        KC-135R
Spectre Ops     Hurlburt??
Spike           512th FS        F-16C/D
Spurt           Mildenhall      SOG C-130
Stack           4th Wing        F-15E/T-38A
Stake           48th FW         F-15E
Stealth                         F-117
Steely          81st FS         F-16C/D
Stump                           C-130
Summit          Peterson        C-130H
Super           71st ARS        KC-135Q
Sutra           22nd OG         KC-10A
Swam            62nd AW         C-141B
Swine           81st FS         A-10A
Swirl           171st AS        C-130E 
Tallon          9th RW          U-2S
Tank            81st FS         A-10
Tazz            166th ARS       KC-135R 
Teacup          39th AS/317 AG  C-130H
Teak            4th Wing        F-15E
Teal            53rd WRS        WC-130H
Team            305th AMW       KC-10 On tanker missions
Tempo           117th ARS       KC-135E 
Terse           9th RW          U-2S
Tiger           53rd FS         F-15C/D
		28th BW         B-1B
Tiger Tail      VAW-125         E-2C
Tincup          Ramstein??      C-130
Tired           108th ARS       KC-135E 
Titan           Cherry Point    KC-130
Tone            Vermont ANG     F-16
Tooky           132nd ARS       KC-135E 
Torch           23rd FS         F-16C/D
Tray            9th SOS         MC-130P
Trek            48th FW         F-15E
Troll           512th FS        F-16C/D
Trout                           C-135 Test Aircraft
Tucker          492nd FS        F-15E
Tuna            23rd FS         F-16C/D
Tune            75th ALS        C-9A
Turbo           22nd ARW        KC-135R
Utah            22nd FS         F-16C/D
		191st ARS       KC-135E 
Vandy           Vance AFB       T-1A
Vapor           31st FW         F-16C/D
Vega            31st FW         F-16C/D
Venus           89th AW         VIP flights
Vespa           6514th TS       C-130
Victory         VF-103          F-14B
Vulture         99th SRS        U-2S
Warhog          81st FS         A/OA-10A
Wayne           9th RW          U-2S
Weasel          81st FS         A-10
Wendy           108th ARS       KC-135E 
Whiskey         53rd FS         F-15C/D
Willy           81st FS         A-10A
Window          193rd SOS       EC-130E 
XRAY            9th RW          U-2S
Yankee          Andrews?        C-130
Zapper          VAQ-130         EA-6B
Zomby           319th ARW       KC-135R
Zoom            Edwards         F-16
Zoomy                           Possible USAF Academy a/c

Update Information:
Allan Lonsdale
Nick Broome

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