Yes, there is a third Brian Daley radio installment. Daley was able to finish Jedi just before he passed away last year. The radio play includes the talents of Anthony Daniels, Broc Peters, Perry King, Anne Sachs, and John Lithgow. Mark Hamill does not pick up his previous role as Luke Skywalker. A new actor named Joshua Fardon now wields the Force, and in a strange cameo, Ed Begley Jr. plays Boba Fett and Ed Asner is the illustrious Jabba the Hutt!

I got the Return of the Jedi Radio drama a while ago and listened to it, wondering just how Daley would describe such scenes as the highly visual Rancor Pit and Sarlacc scenes. For the Rancor part, Luke holds a "conversation" with the captured Leia while fighting the Rancor (stretches things a bit). During the Sarlacc scene, Daley plays up Han's blindness to reveal what's going on. For Example:

HAN: Lando, I'm still blind. What's going on?

LANDO: Well, Luke's slashing at everyone with his lightsaber.

HAN: Uh Huh... what's going on now, Lando?

LANDO: Oy Vey, Luke just got hit by a blaster bolt on his mechanical hand. Oh, he just slashed the guy who shot him...

et cetera, et cetera...

Anthony Daniels sounds somewhat old and tired. It's sort of depressing hearing See Threepio in a tired, prissy voice.
The actor playing Lando sounds nothing like Billy Dee Williams, and is one of my bigger complaints of the radio drama.
The guy playing the Emperor sounds just like Ian McDiarmond though!

Oh well, you might as well go out and get it to complete your radio trilogy library.

Shadows of the Empire Enhanced CD

Joel McNeeley's score is out and it's pretty cool. Not John Williams sounding, but impressive none the less.

Cool tracks: 2) The Battle of Gall   3) Imperial City  
7) The Seduction of Princess Leia (Weird)   8) Night Skies

        Prince Xizor
That Strange Green Guy

I rented a Nintendo 64 last week and finally played Shadows of the Empire. Not a bad little game! Neat flying sequences and a very "Dark Forces" feel to the 3rd Person shooting sequences. Hard game to beat though. There's one section where you have to beat both Boba Fett AND his Slave One Ship! With the fact that you only four lives and it takes twenty minutes to get to that point on the level, the game was sort of frustrating.

On an alternative note, I wrote an article for the Star Wars Insider which was happily published in issue #28 in the Rebel Rumblings Page. Here is my article, for those interested. It's a funny story I concocted about Darth Vader in his meditation chamber...

Click here to read this fabulous piece of literature.

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