Canton Youth Wrestling ™

Welcome to the Canton Youth Wrestling Club.

If you have a boy or girl that is interested in wrestling we strongly suggest that you bring them to one of our practice sessions to try it out. Our coaches will will answer your questions and explain the program in more detail.

Your child will learn to wrestle in an environment that they know is fun but you and I know that they will be getting much needed exercise while developing the foundation for them to become a very skilled wrestler.

For more information contact Coach David Cooper

Why Wrestling?

Wrestling, has great effects on long-term and short-term health

Being a good wrestler requires speed, flexibility, and strength. It also demands agility, stamina, and strategy from wrestlers. If you are lacking in any of these skills, you will surely learn them as you learn the sport, and gain lean muscle mass while burning fat along the way. This is great, because the more muscle mass you have the faster your metabolism works, allowing you to maintain a healthy weight throughout the season.

Wrestling, though not as obviously as soccer or basketball, offers great caloric expenditure. Only 15 minutes of wrestling burns a whopping 150 calories, making this a great option for a high-return workout when you are pressed for time.

Because wrestling is an individual sport, you can really focus your energy on bettering your game without relying on a team or having a team relying on you. This solo sport allows for your child to build good personal discipline as well as self-confidence that can be used both on and off the mat.