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Entry for April 30, 2008
Sharon's chemo went well Monday.  She did a follow up with her internist regarding ankle swelling and ear congestion.  The internist asked for further blood tests.  The test results were good.  Everything was within normal range except her protien.  It was low but to be expected with the chemo.  Here dexiscan showed that her bones were very good.  Her internist said it was the highest reading she had seen for someone her age.  Praise God!
2008-05-01 02:32:18 GMT
Comments (1 total)
Great news!! We have been discussing a book at work called "How full is your bucket" that talks about a positive attitude and everytime we talk about it, I think of you all!! Hope you are having a good week and enjoying the sunshine.
--Jimmy and Mylene
2008-05-01 23:08:11 GMT
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