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Entry for January 18, 2008
We go for the third Chemo with a CT scan, blood work, and oncologist visit Tuesday.  Hope the weather cooperates.  We are anxious to learn about the effectiveness of the treatement.  Thanks for praying with us.
2008-01-18 16:26:01 GMT
Comments (1 total)
Bob, Thanks so much for participating in the program at Church on Sunday. It was very enjoyable. All the kids did a great job (with some support from adults!!) and it was a lot of fun.
Great news about Regina as well. God does listen and answer prayers and we will all be praying for continued good news about Sharon and continued good health.
You both are very special people and a wonderful asset to our Church Family. Thank you for everything you have done.
--Jimmy and Mylene Dunn
2008-01-22 01:07:44 GMT
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