Share with me your faith, your interests in life, and whatever you would like to share with me.
Entry for December 10, 2007
We got the neulasta shot today and looked at wigs.  Each day is an adventure and we thank God for it.  We did not know how much God has given us in this life until we realized it may be taken from us.  We believe in miracles and like to think healthy thoughts.  Healthy spiritual, mental, and physical well being is what we pray for.  May our family and friends also seek this kind of health and a relationship with Jesus.
2007-12-11 01:48:58 GMT
Comments (1 total)
Tom and I are praying every day for both of you. You are both an inspiration to us and we know that God is at work in every situation.
If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to ask. We will be checking on you often.I have included my work email address below. Please feel free to contact me any time day or night. Love, Jean
--Jean O'Neal
<mailto:[email protected]>
2007-12-11 18:59:39 GMT
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