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Entry for December 6, 2007
Sharon had a PET, CT scan, and a bone marrow test yesterday.  Dr. Bala confirmed that she has Follicular Lymphoma and it is probably Stage IV.  She will have a Port-A-Cath put in tomorrow and begin chemo therapy.  They plan to use Rituxan, Cytoxan, Vincristine, and Prednizone (RCVP).  Side effects may not be fun but we are going to give it our "best shot".  Thanks for your prayers and loving support.  It helps more than you can realize.
2007-12-06 22:27:24 GMT
Comments (4 total)
Robert and Sharon,
Please know you both are in our prayers and thoughts as you go thru this. If you need anything, please let us know.
Jimmy and Mylene Dunn
2007-12-07 13:40:05 GMT
Robert and Sharon, Thank you for the courage to share this part of your journey. As always, you both are "givers", unconditional in your lives. I hold each of you, your children and grandchildren up in my prayers. This classroom has some of the great lessons for everyone and I trust that God's Glory will be the reward. I love you both. Russ Hardesty
--Russ Hardesty
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2007-12-07 14:18:14 GMT
Dear Robert and Sharon - We will be praying for you as you journey through this trial. May the Lord give you healing, courage and peace In Jesus Name!
Bryan and Pam
2007-12-07 14:57:26 GMT
Dear Robert & Sharon,
Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for healing, peace, and comfort as you go through this journey. May the Lord guide the physicians and nurses as they provide treatment and care for Shaorn.
God bless you all.
--Sue Mills
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2007-12-07 18:58:09 GMT
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