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Entry for November 26, 2007
Sharon and I enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner with the kids.  We are facing a stint of Lymphoma Cancer treatment for Sharon.  Please pray that it goes well and that the Lymphoma goes into remission.  We hope to learn of the treatment program tomorrow.
2007-11-27 02:41:41 GMT
Comments (2 total)
Sharon you are in my prayers every day. I pray that God give you the strength and courage to fight this. I am here if you need me anytime day or night. I will check on you often. I have put me work email address below, feel free to email me at work during the day. Love you, Jean
--Jean Oneal
<mailto:[email protected]>
2007-12-07 16:01:13 GMT
Sharon you are in my prayers every day. I pray that God give you the strength and courage to fight this. I am here if you need me anytime day or night. I will check on you often. I have put me work email address below, feel free to email me at work during the day. Love you, Jean
--Jean Oneal
<mailto:[email protected]>
2007-12-07 16:01:31 GMT
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