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Welcome to Candy Crazy! This site is about me and also has lots of free and fun stuff for you so I hope you'll enjoy! And pls dont forget to sign the tagboard before you leave and hope you'll come again! =D

Webmiss: Kay
Opened: Feb. 10, 2004
Type: Blog/Personal
Name: Candy Crazy
Layout By: Me =)
Version: 12
Featuring: Ashlee Simpson
Copyright: Everything on this site is (c) to me unless otherwise stated.
Get your own =)

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Ask Me Anything!

Kay, Canndy Crazy, 14, Aug. 05, Filipino, nice, sweet, outgoing, scrolling, partying, singing, dancing, picture taking, music, movies, web designing, making graphics, graphics, PS7, Image Ready, black eyed peas, internet, pink, yellow, black, red, orange, white, Pooh, Tigger, Dumbo, Belle, Aguilera, Spears, Duff, Lohan, Branch, Moore, Lavigne, Malone, Bynes, Gellar, Garner, Millano, Charmed, Buffy, All That, Lizzie McGuire, Thats So Raven

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AwWww... Fan Of Me?

Main - The Blogs
Me - The Blogger
You - The Visitors
Web - The World Wide Web
Site - Candy Crazy
Taggy - Comments Here!

Ashlee Simpson - Pieces Of Me
Avril Lavigne - Hapy Ending
Britney Spears - My Prerogative
Kelly Clarckson - Breakaway
Kelis - Milkshake
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Hilary Duff - Fly
Alicia Keys - Ain't Got You
Usher - Confessions Part 2

PixelFx | Kenekila | Glam Girl | Green Hilary | Juicy Fruit | Hilary Pix | Downloads | Celestial Star | Total Ashlee | Unyielding Brushes | Kiss My Kitty | Pineapple Paradise |

Green Hilary

Amy | Anita | Annezca | Elle | Heather | Jackie | Kayleigh | Kat | Keke | Lisa | Lizzie | Makarena | Mandy | Meri | Tamanna | Tiffany | Steppin |





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