Terry's 5 Picks From the Personal Training Library 

Below, you'll find an annotated bibliography for references on fitness, health and nutrition. This site is for the personal trainer, the weekend athlete, as well as the person interested in getting into shape. This bibliographical list is followed by links to some great sights on exercise and preventative training and rehabilitation.

American Council on Exercise. Personal Trainer Manual. San Diego: American Council on Exercise, 1997.
                       Price. Retail $162 CDN, tax included - as part of the personal trainer package.

Not only is this textbook required for the personal training certification offered through ACE; it is also a great reference to have in one's personal library. It contains information on kinesiology, biomechanics and exercise program design. Certain personal trainers who are already certified may want to order the package just for this manual. The text is divided into 7 detailed and comprehensive sections; and the last section provides a review of "Legal Issues" that trainers should most definitely be aware of. Illustrated with diagrams and tables, the Personal Trainer Manual is a way of refining knowledge acquired in a kinesiology curricula that would enhance trainer-client relations.

Baggaley, Ann, ed. Human Body. London: Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2001.
                        Price. Retail $24.95, plus tax.

A pocket-size book containing myriad colour illustrations, Human Body is an ideal quick reference on anatomy, its structure and its functions. Four hundred and forty-eight pages in length, this book covers everything from blood composition and bone regeneration to sleep patterns (REM) and physical disorders. The explanations are short and concise. Where they stop, the colourful diagrams and illustrations carry on as conceptual/visual explications.
Delavier, Frederic. Guide des mouvements de musculations: Approche anatomique. 3ieme ed. Paris: Editions Vigots, 2001.
                            Price. Retail $39.54, tax included.
Delavier's is a text every personal trainer should have in their library. The book provides over 10 basic weight-training exercises for the main body parts. The explanations use clinical/anatomical terms with highly detailed illustrations of the muscles parts worked in weight-training movements. Alternative ways to vary an exercise are also provided. The glossy coloured illustrations which act as visual explanations make this book one of the more expensive, but worthwhile texts to buy. Delavier's text has already been translated in English, under the title Strength Training Anatomy. The price quoted  for Chapter's online shopping is $17.95 US.

Diagram Group. Woman's Body: an Owner's Manual. New Ed. Lincolnwood (Chicago): Contemporary Books, 1998.
                            Price. Retail $16.95 + tax, on special at Indigo & Chapters for $5.34 CDN.

This is an affordable soft-cover book compiled by the Diagram Group. As a comprehensive guide, Woman's Body has loads of information about psychological, sexual and physical health for women. The information on physical health ranges from eye care (in which the basic anatomy of the eye is provided with diagrams and descriptions) to food safety, nutrition and eating disorders. A section n psychoses lists different psychological illnesses that affect women, and the side effects of certain prescriptive drugs. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), how they are contracted and treated are not overlooked in this mini-reference. The purpose of the guide is to give women knowledge about their own bodies. The content is suitable for  older teenaged girls who are sexually active to elderly women.

Karpay, Ellen. The Everything Total Fitness Book: A Complete Program to Help You Look--And Feel--Great. Avon, MA: Adams Media Corporation, 2000.
                        Price. Retail: $19.95 plus tax.

This book which can be ordered online is another must for personal trainers, their clients and those enthusiasts interested in getting into shape. For personal trainers,it gives suggestions on  making comprehensive aerobic-anaerobic exercise programmes, also reminding trainers that the more fun an exercise programme is, the more likely a client would be  to follow it long-term. For the client or novice exerciser, Karplay's text gives detailed, but easy-to-understand explanations about, for example, recovery heart rate, VO2 max, target zone, cross-training, resistance training and Body Mass Index. Information on nutrition and relaxation is also integrated into Karpay's vision of total fitness.
Delavier's Guide des MouvementsDiagram Group's Woman's BodyKarpay's  Everything Total FitnessAce Personal Trainer PackageBaggaley's Human Body
Terry's 5 Picks for Fitness and Health Links
The links below are all top-notch for persons at different fitness levels. A brief summary is given for each. But to find out more, click on "Click to connect."

Though the name Fit4MartialArts.com gives one the impression of being about Karate, a closer look at the site indicates that it is dense with information about exercising methods, nutrition, injuries and rehabilitation movements. Click to connect.

SportMed Rehab Notes is another great site for general knowledge on fitness and detailed knowledge on anatomy and preventative methods. Click to connect.

MeDnet has great medical information on sports-related injuries for different parts of the anatomy. The site has four main sections, with clinical descriptions and illustrations of injuries and simple diagnostic tests. Click to connect.

BioSomatics offers an alternative technique in fitness.  If you have problems with high-impact sports, this site is for you. A definition of BioSomatics and its objective in exercise are outlined in detail. Based on calisthenics, BioSomatics offers "release of tension," "flexibility of muscles and joints," "postural alignment," and "weight support." Click to connect.

 Interested in more rigorous aerobic workouts? Then Jacki's Dance is a site for you. It is packed with information on measuring your resting heart rate, working heart rate, recovery heart rate and target zone. Click to connect.

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