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August 18, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
RICOH Coliseum

Chris Benoit defeated Bobby Roode

Edge defeated Test

Christian defeated Sean Morley via Shawn Stasiak interference

Chris Jericho defeated Steve Corino

Edge defeated Christian

Chris Benoit defeated Chris Jericho

10,000 fans in the arena had come to the show to watch one match: the main event, and they couldn't be more happy when two fan-favourites "Rabid Wolverine" Chris Benoit and Edge were to battle it out for the Canadian X Wrestling Heavyweight championship. Benoit had a rough time throughout the tournament, getting past Chi Chi Cruz by disqualification in round one two weeks ago, and by wrestling over 30 minutes tonight with wins over Bobby Roode and Chris Jericho in round two and three, respectively. Edge had it no easier when he had to defeat Sylvain Grenier, Test and a very tough Christian in rounds one, two and three, respectively.

Canadian X Wrestling president Kevin Elliott was the ringside enforcer for the match, should any questionable call be needed answered by an authority, one side a doctor and the other a timekeeper. Don "Cyrus" Callis and Bret "Hitman" Hart were on commentary duties for the event, taped for showing on Monday on TSN.

Benoit and Edge pace around the ring as the referee signals the bell to ring. Both men try to go for a grapple, but quickly break it, knowing it isn't their way to start the match. They did grapple one more time, and held on. After a few moments of neither man getting an advantage, Edge looked to break the grapple one more time allowing Benoit to slide across to the back of Edge. Benoit hit a stiff kick to the back of Edge's left knee, sending him to the mat.

Benoit didn't capitalize, though, allowing his opponent to reach his feet. The stare in Edge's eyes showed that he knew the match was "on" after that series. The two go face to face in a stare before Benoit says something to Edge, who agrees, knodding his head. Edge then strikes Benoit with a right hand, but Benoit is able to answer with his own, followed by a left kick, and another right hand. Benoit has Edge in the corner where he grabs the top rope and throws three hard kicks to the mid-section of Edge, and sends Edge to the mat in the corner after a vicious chop to the chest.

Edge rolls out of the ring to catch his breath as Benoit challenges him to come into the ring once more. Edge asks for his space, and receives it. Edge gets into the ring and charges at Benoit, knocking him to the mat with a clothesline before holding "the Rabid Wolverine" down and pummelling him with rights, sending his hometown crowd into a frenzy of cheers. Edge lets off and throws Benoit over his shoulders in a back drop mode. Benoit gets up and strolls right into a sidewalk slam. Edge covers, but Benoit kicks out just before the two count.

Edge keeps on the attack. He picks Benoit up and throws him into the ropes and hits a shoulder block, knocking Benoit down. Edge slides onto his stomach and puts a headlock on Benoit, wearing him out. After the hold was locked in for over 40 seconds, Benoit started to make it to his feet. He was on his knees as Edge tightened the hold even more, phasing Benoit for a few seconds, but Chris battled back with elbows to the gut before hitting a picture-perfect Northern Lights suplex, putting both men on the mat.

The referee started his mandatory ten count. He made it to four when Benoit started making it to his feet, and at five, Benoit was up and Edge was on his knees. As Edge made it to his feet, he walked into a second straight Northern Lights suplex, but this time Benoit bridged for a pin. Edge kicked out just after the two count. Edge wasn't at his feet when Benoit started working on his legs. He locked a single leg lock in, holding Edge, who was screaming. Benoit had the hold of his own locked in for well over a minute before Edge dragged himself to the ropes.

Benoit didn't let up. As Edge was on his stomach, Benoit set his leg on the rope and started stomping on it. The then used the ropes for leverage to hop up and come down on the knee. Edge got up, but it wasn't with his own strength - Benoit dragged him to the middle of the ring and hit a devastating brainbuster, which looked as if it could have broken Edge's neck! Benoit covered, but Edge kicked out with literally microseconds to go. It still didn't phase Benoit. "The Rabid Wolverine" was coming to life and showing his vengeance, locking in an STF. Edge screams, and crawls to the ropes, once again, but the toll was definately taken.

Benoit then takes his right hand, sticks his thumb out, and drags it across his throat, before throwing his hand down to the mat. He walks over to Edge to lock in the Crippler Crossface, but Edge takes him down at the knees. Both men are at their feet at the same time and Benoit is hit with a spinebuster. Edge slowly picks Benoit up and locks a full nelson in before hitting a sit-out facebuster as the crowd cheers for the hometown boy. Edge throws his hands out, signalling that it is over. He lifts Benoit up and drops him to the mat with an electric chair drop. Edge covers.



Benoit gets an arm up! The crowd half cheers, most shocked that Benoit kicked out. Benoit is near a corner as Edge is opposite to him, scrouching down, lining up for a spear. Edge charges as Benoit turns around, but is quick enough to get out of the way, sending Edge into the corner ringpost. Benoit quickly capitalizes. He hits three consecutive German suplexes, but on the third suplex, Edge's right arm hits the referee, sending him down to the mat! Benoit doesn't realize and covers. Edge, who also didn't know, would have made the call close if there was a referee, who kicked out around the third second!

Benoit gets up and looks to Kevin Elliott on the side, who is making his way into the ring. Edge is now up and he and Benoit trade chops and punches. "Lionheart" Chris Jericho then comes to the ring and knocks Elliott down as Benoit had Edge in the corner. Jericho bounces off the ropes and hits Benoit with a flying bulldog, slamming his head into the mat! Jericho slides out of the ring as Don Callis announces: "Damnit, this match was just getting heated." Jericho heads up the ramp as Edge comes out of the corner. He spears Benoit as the original referee makes it to his feet.




Edge has won the CXW Heavyweight championship. It may have been tainted, but as he is awarded the belt from the referee, the crowd was going crazy. Benoit made his way to his feet, and a heated staredown ensued. Elliott, the official judge of the match, was walking to the back with a purpose. Will Edge still be the CXW Heavyweight champion in one week?

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