The Canadian Blog
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The C.B.C. Crisis
Wow! Democracy seems to be a word with multiple definitions these days as Canada's Conservative Government has managed to add a few lines to the dictionary under the sub-heading "Harp-ocracy" (sounds like hypocrisy, doesn't it?)

Under Harp-ocracy, Canada's "New Government" has done more campaigning than actual governing the will of the people. Our federal ministers aren't permitted to speak to the media unless authorized, our Prime Minister avoids confrontation, any legislation pushed across the floor has been more about setting long-term plans that will be implemented in the future, and to top it off...they are destroying the number one Canadian instituion- The C.B.C.

In a poll conducted by the previous Liberal government and IPSOS-REID it showed that 80% of Canadians believed that the CBC was important in maintaining and shaping Canadian culture and 90% of Canadian believe that the CBC is the one major thing that distinguishes us from the USA. Only 10% of Canadians felt that the CBC funding cuts were fair. The poll also showed that an alarming 95% of Canadians want to see the C.B.C. survive and I have a question...WHY DID THE C.B.C. get funding cuts!??! If democracy means "the will of the people" than what the hell was that Stephen Harper? Oh wait...I forgot, as he said on The Mercer Report on Tuesday, Oct. 31...he chooses which polls to respond to and ignores the rest. IPSOS-REID is the most frequently used and MOST ACCURATE polling system in Canada, in fact...most of the polls they conduct are for government use! So, Mr. Harper...that answer...just doesn't fly!

2006-11-02 05:25:08 GMT
Comments (2 total)
I totally disagree with you on this issue! I feel that the CBC needs to either tow the governments line of simply face the funding cuts. The Harper government has been totally suppostive of PRODUCTIVE units withing Canada. A government, tax funded company has no right slandering the very hand that feeds it, especially with people like Rick Mercer and George Strombolopolous being used as the 'faces' of the company! I gave three cheers to Harpers' government
--K. Brown
2006-11-02 05:32:54 GMT
I totally disagree with you on this issue! I feel that the CBC needs to either tow the governments line of simply face the funding cuts. The Harper government has been totally suppostive of PRODUCTIVE units withing Canada. A government, tax funded company has no right slandering the very hand that feeds it, especially with people like Rick Mercer and George Strombolopolous being used as the 'faces' of the company! I gave three cheers to Harpers' government
--K. Brown
2006-11-02 05:33:12 GMT

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