Made in Canada is the proud recipient of the 2000 Aurora Award for Fan Achievement: Other!

Associated with and Alibris - Books You Thought You'd Never Find

Parsec Magazine


Parsec is a Canadian Speculative Fiction magazine published in Sudbury Ontario by Chris Krejlgaard. It features SF film, TV and literature from a Canadian perspective. It has interviews with your favorite TV stars, author profiles, SF news, short stories and lots more.  It is a little hard to find on newsstand shelves outside of the Toronto area. The best way to get a copy is by ordering from their website. Parsec was an Aurora Award finalist in 2000 along with two of their published short stories, namely Erratic Cycles by Mark Leslie and Any Port in a Storm by Mark Rayner

Look for the Winter 2001 Issue
Available early March
Parsec - Winter 2001
or Subscribe Now!

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Site designed, developed and maintained by Don Bassie at [email protected]
For those interested, here is my Bio

Last updated March 06, 2001

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