Made in Canada is the proud recipient of the 2000 Aurora Award for Fan Achievement: Other!

Associated with and Alibris - Books You Thought You'd Never Find

A.E. van Vogt
These  titles available at
Slan War Against The Rull: A.E. Van Vogt
Expatriate Alfred Elton van Vogt was born in Manitoba in 1912 and moved to the U.S. in 1944. He is one of the pioneers of The Golden Age of Science Fiction. Van Vogt wrote the popular Slan while still living in Canada. His novel Black Destroyer was the winner of the first Aurora Award in 1980 (then called the Casper Award). Van Vogt received the SFWA Grand Master Award for lifetime achievement in 1995. His impressive (and nearly endless) bibliography can be seen at the ISFDb. Sadly Mr. van Vogt passed away on Jan. 26, 2000.

Look for A.E. van Vogt's latest reprint
The Empire of Isher

Available May 2000.

Interesting Links


  • Slan
  • The Weapon Makers
  • List of articles and Essays on van Vogt
  • Click here for more rare and hard to find A.E. van Vogt titles available at Alibris

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    Last updated October 01, 2000

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