Health Care Information

Health Care Health Canada's Official Site

Traveller's Insurance - buy your own policy to be covered by Canadian medical.

Alberta Health Care Website

"If you are moving to Alberta from outside Canada, you may be eligible for coverage on the date of your arrival. To ensure this, you must register within three months of arrival. You will be required to present a copy of your Canada entry document."

British Columbia Health Care Website

"New residents or persons re-establishing residence in British Columbia are eligible for benefits after completion of a waiting period that normally consists of the balance of the month of arrival plus two months"

Manitoba Health Care Website

If you move to Manitoba from another country, you may receive health care benefits (except personal care home benefits) from the first day of your arrival provided you have the appropriate documentation, i.e., Permanent Resident status, proof of Canadian Citizenship if Returning Canadian, et cetera."

New Brunswick Health Care Website

"When entering from outside the country, a person may be eligible to become a beneficiary under the health plan on the first day of the third month following the month of arrival in the province and establishing permanent residence. This applies to non-Canadian spouses of Canadian residents assuming residence in Canada for the first time; landed immigrants; repatriated Canadians; returning Canadians; returning landed immigrants; and Canadian citizens establishing residence in Canada for the first time."

Newfoundland Health Care Website

"Insured persons moving to Newfoundland from other provinces or territories are entitled to coverage as of the first day of the third month following the month of arrival, whereas persons arriving from outside Canada to establish residence are entitled to coverage as of the day of arrival."

North West Territories Health Care Website

"If you are not a Canadian citizen and moving to the N.W.T. from outside Canada, your coverage is effective the day you arrive in the N.W.T."

Nova Scotia Health Care Website

Ontario Health Care Website

"If you are a newcomer to Ontario, or a former resident returning here to live after being away for more than seven months, the waiting period begins on the date you establish or re-establish residence in Ontario. There is a three-month waiting period for Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage."

Prince Edward Island Health Care Website

"Every person registering for insured services under the Plan becomes eligible on the first day of the third month following the date of establishing residence."


"First-day coverage is provided to certain categories of residents, notably permanent residents under the Immigration Act."

Saskatchewan Health Care Website

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