Squirrels and raccoons used to live in harmony many years ago. The squirrels of then were kind and didn't even have a knowledge of technology. The squirrels normally were mischievous to each other and the rest of the animal kingdom.

The raccoons were calm and wise. They spent much of their time fishing or foraging for food. The squirrels and raccoons had no armies for there were never wars.

But then the Homosapiens, or humans, arose from the primordial soup. They started slow enough. Living amongst the animals. But as time went on they created weapons. The humans used these weapons, which were little more than sticks and rocks, to kill animals for food. The squirrels instantly took the action as an act of hostility, not survival.

The squirrels went to the raccoons for their aide in destroying the humans before they could kill all the animals. In their infinite wisdom the raccoons told the squirrels that only the humans themselves or nature have the power to stop the humans.

The squirrels would not accept this. They vowed to take action against the humans and to exterminate them from the planet and save all species from the humans� corruption.

The raccoons learned of this vow began to plan to stop the squirrels.

As the years passed and the squirrels' and raccoons' war raged on humans evolved and became smarter, if you see it that way,(humans destroy all other living things in order to provide themselves with modern conveniences.)

Now after many forgotten years of battle the squirrels and raccoons fight in seclusion for their own reasons.

The squirrels fight in the dark in order to keep human awareness down. The raccoons fight in the shadows to keep the humans from seeing the squirrels' intents and causing a mass genocide of the squirrelian race.

Few know of the war that goes on in the darkest of nights. But those who do fear the ending of the war more than the fighting of it. But most assuredly, the end will come.

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