Julie's full statement


Julie at age 11Julie and Jordan, 1999



June 1999

To all,

Little girls always dream of being singers, dancers or movie stars...and I was one of those little girls, I confess! I was a closet actress and rock star, and I admit it with a straight face!  When our family decided to make a movie together the summer of '85, it gave me the chance to be the actress I always fantasized becoming.  I have to say that playing a villain was the ultimate role for my alter ego, and wearing LOTS of make-up was quite thrilling for an 11 year old girl. I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that my younger brothers' characters were my rivals...which was basically the case in real life...so it was fun having permission to beat them up, etc.  It was exciting to have a summer with something imaginative and unique planned, rather than participating in the the usual, predictable, mindless activities like everyone else.  The neighborhood kids were curious and jealous of the cool parents we had to let us tear the whole living room apart just to create a movie set. My favorite thing of all was watching the out-takes of us botching up our lines...we enjoyed that almost more than the actual movie itself!  Making a movie with my family enhanced our relationships with one another and gave us everlasting memories that a trip to Disneyland can't buy (and I really liked Disneyland!).  I look forward to helping create these kinds of memories for my son, (now 5 months old) when he is older and ready to help me write a script!  As for becoming an actress, well, I won't quit my day job!  However, I am  glad I was able to live one of my many dreams that summer 14 years ago.



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