Arminianism  VS  Calvinism

There is a debate that rages between two camps of Christianity.  This debate splits entire denominations against the other within their denomination, such are the Baptists, Methodists, and Pentecostals.  The debate is between Arminianism and Calvinism.  The Presbyterians are traditionally Calvinist, though the PCUSA is departing from the traditional views of Presbyterianism.  The Missouri Synod Lutherans follow Martin Luther's Bondage of the Will which resembles Calvinism, where as other Lutherans are leaving Martin Luther's teachings.   Many people are totally unaware of the debate between the Arminians and Calvinists, but we need to be aware of the differences, because of their impact on salvation.  One camp emphasizes man and the other emphasizes God.  Within both camps there are two other camps, those who require repentance from sin as necessary for salvation and those who say it isn't needed.  Of course those who say it isn't needed show that at most they have head knowledge only.  Many churches teach a mixed view of Arminianism and Calvinism. 

In order to try to help the average Christian understand the differences, here is a simplified and in no way exhaustive comparison of the two views.  At the bottom of this page are links to deeper studies of this subject matter.  Also note, that within both camps there are different opinions on what each are.  For example, there are Arminians who hold to "holiness" teachings and others that reject the teachings of the "holiness" movement.  In Calvinism, some teach that we willfully reject God, but God out of love chooses us to salvation, and others teach that God predestines some to heaven and some to hell.   Below I have used the more common teachings I have come across.   Read this page and the other pages dealing with this subject matter.  Look up the Scripture passages.  Have an open heart willing to change your mind as God reveals His Truth to you.  Don't take these pages blindly without researching the Scriptures to see if these things are so.  Open your Bible and prayerfully study this.  Make your calling and election sure.  Are you saved?  Read Are you a good person and then continue with this study.  It would be a shame to have the right view on this matter and not be saved yourself.  The following is a simplified comparison of Arminianism VS Calvinism. 

There is also a debate as to if someone has to hold to all the points of Calvinism to be saved or if Total Depravity and Limited Redemption are the necessary ones, some add Perseverance of the Saints to that list.  



Denial of Original Sin.

 Man is born essentially good and has a choice to sin or not.   Man can choose God or reject.  Everything is based on man's desires. 

Man isn't dead in his trespasses and sins.

Man has a free will known as human ability.  Human nature was affected by the fall, but their is still good in each person.  Human nature wasn't corrupted by Adam's fall.

Human ability is the basis for Humanism and comes from the Pelagian Heresy.    Pelagius taught against God's Sovereignty.  He elevated man and brought down God and remade God into the image of man.  Pelagius heretical views are the basis of Arminianism.

Total Depravity / Original Sin.

 Man is born with a sin nature and will sin both by nature and by choice.  There isn't any who seek after God.  Romans 3;10,11,23

Man is totally dead in his trespasses and sins.

When Adam died we all died.  Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden, separated man from God.  Romans 5:12-14

Human inability is the what the Bible teaches.  We are not basically good.  God is Sovereign and in control.  Augustine the counterpart of Pelagius taught that God is Sovereign.  The True Church later known as Waldenses taught God's Sovereignty.  Augustine and John Calvin taught Romans 3:23

Universal Redemption

Jesus death makes it possible for everyone to be saved , but doesn't secure salvation for anyone.  Jesus death didn't actually pay for anyone's sins.  When someone by their own will chooses Jesus, then their sins to that point become paid for.  This view makes the blood of Christ to none effect.

Some go beyond that above and teach that Jesus died for all so that everyone is saved. 

Salvation hinges on man.  See above. Since, man has a free will and the Blood of Christ didn't secure their salvation, then salvation ultimately hinges on man and not God.  The focus is on our desires on our abilities not on Jesus Christ's payment for sin.

Man centered.

Limited Redemption

The Blood of Jesus Christ is sufficient for all, but only efficient for those who believe.  When Jesus died on the cross, His death secured salvation for everyone who believes on His Name.  John 3:16, Romans 5:10  Only those who repent of their sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are saved.  Romans 10:9,10

If everyone was saved, then the rich man would never have been in hell.  Luke 16:23

Salvation hinges on the Lord Jesus Christ.  When He died for our sins, He paid for them.  The Blood of Christ secured our salvation, so then salvation does hinges on God and not man.  (Thank God it does!)  The focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice for sin.

God centered.

Ability to Fall from Grace

Since man can choose to be saved and salvation hinges on man not God, man can choose later to reject God.  Ultimately, we have to work to keep ourselves saved.

Most but not all Arminians teach that at salvation the Holy Spirit doesn't enter man, but comes at a later time "evidenced by the speaking in tongues."  The indwelling of the Holy Spirit isn't necessary for salvation.

Man has to keep himself saved.  Initial salvation comes from our choice and then staying saved comes from our good works. 

The "holiness" camp of Arminians teach that every time a person sins they lose their salvation.  Either they constantly get saved over and over or they deny they have sinned in many years.  They teach if someone has "eternal security" then they may fall from grace, because they may accidentally sin and not get saved all over again.

All Arminians teach that "eternal security" grants a license to sin.  Since, Arminians deny Original Sin, they don't feel we have an Adamic sinful nature, so that we don't have a propensity to sin.  If someone is secure in Christ, then they will feel free to sin.  Granting security in Christ would take the burden of salvation off of man and place it on Jesus Christ.  The change from man to God would eliminate the need for good works and someone wouldn't feel obligated to continue to do works for their salvation.

Some groups fall between the Arminian and Calvinist view on this issue.  They don't go to the extremes of the Arminians (Pelagians), but they don't agree to total eternal security either.  These groups are just plain confused.  Generally, their views are mix of the two camps.  They hold to some points of Calvinism and some of Arminianism, without realizing the two are incompatible.

Perseverance of the Saints

Since God draws us to salvation and salvation hinges on Jesus Christ and not man, we aren't able to be plucked out of God's hand.  John 10:28, Romans 8:38,39

"If any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His"  Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you aren't saved.  The sign of His indwelling is the fruit of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 not the "speaking in tongues."

We are sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit.  We don't have to keep ourselves saved, the Holy Spirit keeps us in Christ.  Ephesians 1:13, 2:8,9

The Bible teaches that the Blood of Christ that gets us saved is powerful enough to keep us saved.  Salvation grants us everlasting life.  Everlasting doesn't end at the next sin.  John 3:16  When we say we don't sin, "we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."  I John 1:8 "If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us."  I John 1:10

All Sovereign Grace or Calvinists teach that we do not have a license to sin, because we are secure in Christ.  We do not lose our salvation when we sin, but we do lose the joy of our salvation.  "I John 1:9 is a remedy for sin, not a license to sin." John Calvin  The word translated cleanse is denotes continual cleansing, which shows we will fall into sin after we are saved, but we won't stay there.  Our old Adamic sinful nature remains till we are in heaven, but we also have a new nature in Christ. 

There are people who call themselves 2 point, 3 point, 4 point, 4 and a half point Calvinists.  Most 2 pointers agree to Total Depravity and Limited Redemption.  Most 3 Pointers agree to the above 2, plus "Eternal Security" AKA Perseverance of the Saints.  4 Pointers believe the above 3 and include Irresistible Grace, but have trouble with Unconditional Election.  4 and half pointers have less trouble with Unconditional Election.

Resistible Grace

A person can resist God's call to salvation.  The Holy Spirit just twinges their conscience, but doesn't draw them to be saved against their own will.  God is to loving to force us to be saved, He would allow us to die in our sins and burn in hell if wished to.

A person can say yes or no the choice is theirs to make.

We come to God by our own choice.  Man's free will limits Gods' ability to draw us to Himself.

Until we respond to the invitation to be saved, the Holy Spirit cannot give life.  We have to create the faith to believe ourselves.

Irresistible Grace

A person can not resist when the Holy Spirit drags their Totally Depraved dead in sin soul to salvation.  Our wills are enslaved to sin, so we come to God against our own choice to sin willfully, God out of love for us rescues us from our sinfulness.

When the Holy Spirit drags someone to God, they can not say "no", because God is more powerful than them.

We come only when God draws us to Himself. John 6:44  God is not limited by our will (actually won't).

The Holy Spirit gives us the faith necessary to believe.  Galatians 5:22, Ephesians 2:8,9  Salvation is a gift of God thus so is the faith to believe.

Conditional Election

God doesn't actually "predestinate" anyone to be saved.  Our election is conditioned on His "foreknowledge" of the choice we will make.

God knew before the creation of the world who would be saved and He didn't make the choice to elect us, we made the choice to elect Him.  Ultimately, our salvation depends on the good pleasure of our own will.

Unconditional Election

God out of love for us elects us or chooses us out salvation.  We are predestinated by God.  Romans 8:29,30  Romans 9:11-15

Before the foundation of the world, God chose us in Him.  Ephesians 1:4,5  We are "elected unto adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will."

For further study on this issue  please read the Salvation Series and also What is a Calvinist?

I would recommend buying The Five Points of Calvinism published by Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing it is much better than my feeble attempt here to compare the two sides.   The above link is not part of my site and I receive no remuneration whatsoever by recommending them.  Hit Control D prior to clicking the link to bookmark this page.

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