I John 2:3-11

I John 2:3  The way we know that we are in Christ is through out productions of the Holy Spirit.
Obedience to Christ is a sign of salvation.  James 1:22  Faith produces works.  Works do not
produce faith though.  John MacArthur states, “True believers keep His commandments”
(MacArthur, Page 168) “The Greek word translated ‘keep’ in 2:3-4 conveys the idea of a
watchful, observant obedience.  It is not an obedience that is only of external pressure.  It is the
eager obedience one who ‘keeps’ the divine commandments as if they were something precious to
guard.” (Ibid.)  Obedience to Christ is a sign of salvation.  Lack of obedience is a sign that there is
something wrong.  John Calvin, “the commonest evil in all ages has been an empty profession of
God’s name.” (Calvin, Page 245)  A.R. Fausset states of true faith that it is “not faultless
conformity, but hearty acceptance of, and willing subjection to, God’s whole revealed
will.”(Fausset, Page 631)  A Christian who is surrendered to Christ will be following Him.
Surrenderance and submission to God is necessary to avoid sin James 4:7,8.

Verse 4 Failure to obey Christ is a sign of lack of salvation.  Those who are truly saved cannot
continue in sin.  Romans 6:1,2 See previous lessons dealing with this.  Lessons on I John
1:6,8&10.  Hypocrites are only fooling themselves.  God is not fooled.  By their actions man is
able to discern and man is not fooled.  Only the hypocrite is fooled.  Matthew Henry says that
knowledge of God is “vain and superficial” if it does not “sway the heart to obedience” (Henry,
Page 2444) “A disobedient life is the confutation and shame of pretended religious knowledge; it
gives the lie to such boasts and pretenses, and shows that there is neither religion nor honesty in
them.”  Be true to thyself.  Hypocrites failed to be true to himself as well as to God.

Verse 5  The one who keeps the word of God has the love of God perfected or completed in
them.  The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace....   Love is an out production of the Holy Spirit.  I
John 4:7,8.  Through the out production of God’s love in our lives we know that we are saved.
He produces the fruit as we surrender to Him.  The perfected love of God makes us happy and
joyful and brings peace.  Psalms 1 tells of the Happy man what he does and does not do.  The love
of God is completed in the Christian that is surrendered to God.

Verse 6  Jesus Christ is our role model.  Some people want to be like Mike, but Christians should
want to be like Christ!  John 13:15  Christ is to be our example.  The cliché “What would Jesus
do?”  is a good question to ask ourselves in situations.  We need to fashion our lives after Christ.
Matthew Henry, “he who professes to abide in and with Christ,” should, ”aim to resemble his
infallible Master and head, and conform to His course and prescriptions” (Henry, Page 2444) He
was willing to lay down His life, even so we should be willing to make sacrifices for Him.  Martin
Luther once said, “It is not Christ’s walking on the sea, but His ordinary walk, we are called to
imitate.”  He was a man tempted in all point like as we are, yet without sin.  He has walked a mile
in our shoes.  The question is have we walked a mile in His?  Have we ever suffered as He did.
Did we ever resist the temptation to sin so strongly that we sweat drops of blood?  Have we ever
been scourged?  Have we ever given our lives?  He knows what we are going through, the
question is do we know what He went through?

Verse 7  Truth does not change.  I John 3:11, 4:21, John 15:12, Matthew 22:39, Deuteronomy
10:19.  The truth about loving our neighbor as ourselves has not changed.  Truth is a constant.
The only thing subjective is us, we are to be loyal subjects to Christ.  John 13:35  Since truth is
definite and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, Jesus is unchangeable.  He is the same
yesterday, today and forever.  Jesus is to be our example and He showed perfect love for us when
He laid down His life so that we might live.  If we follow His example we are going to love our
neighbor as ourselves.  Part of loving is walking in the light as verse 10 mentions.  The example of
God’s love proves truth doesn’t change.  God loved us before the foundation of the world.  He
put the plan of Salvation in place before He ever made us.  He knew we would choose to sin and
reject Him, yet He chose to save us in spite of what we are.  Now that is true love.  Even as
God’s love doesn’t change neither does truth.  King David said, Thy Word O Lord is truth.  The
Bible is a constant.
 John throughout this book reinforces the theme of love.  Our old nature fights against the
new nature and loving people is definitely not part of the old nature.  One of the first things a new
believer learns about is loving others.  We here about it so much that at times it can get old, but as
Romans 12:1,2 tells us about continual renewal, we must continually have our love renewed.  The
fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, etc.  We must renew our walk wit h Christ.  Each morning
we need to start with prayer and devotions.  We need to commit ourselves to the Lord anew.
Spiritual renewal is part of our walk with God.

Verse 8  John mentions a new commandment, which is a clarification of the previous one.  The
new one is true both in Christ and in us.  Truth is immutable.  John is merely clarifying a point.
The reason he is doing this is because once we are saved the darkness in past and the true light
now shineth.  At Salvation God delivers us from the kingdom of darkness into the glorious
kingdom of Light.  At Salvation we experience a Spiritual dawn.  The darkness is dispelled by the
Light of our Savior Jesus Christ.  The knowledge of the Bible is the way to have a brighter life.
God’s Truth dispels the darkness. John Calvin states (Pg. 249), “Every man’s faith has its dawn
before it gets to noonday.”  He also states that learning God’s Word is “the way to shut against
the audacity of those who try to corrupt the purity of the Gospel by their own fictions.”  These
false teachers try to as Calvin puts it “completely obscures the true light.”  As the Bible says, they
hold the truth in unrighteousness.  There are many who try to subvert the truth of God’s Word.
 Men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil.  This is why they try to
obscure the light of God’s Word.  The light shows their evil deeds.  As Hebrews 4:13 mentions
the Bible lays all things in the open.  His Word makes an open display of the thoughts and intents
of our hearts.  The truth makes evident the deceit the devil tries to use against us to keep us from
walking with God.  The reason many today do not read the Bible is because it shows them that
they are sinners.  People don’t like to think that they are bad, but we all are without Christ.  It is
only through Jesus Christ that any of can be good.

Verse 9  Deals with the sin of unforgiveness.  The people who claim to be saved but hate one
another are only deceiving themselves.  Jesus forgave us and even as He is forgiving, so should
we be forgiving.  In Chapter 3 John says that we falsely claim to love God unless we love our
neighbor.  This means when someone does something against us we do not hold on to the anger.
We don’t let the root of bitterness spring up in us.  We do not hate those who do things against
us.  Instead we forgive even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven us.  We need to let the Holy
Spirit produce love in our lives.  Unconfessed sin quenches the Holy Spirit, but a right walk with
God produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  The fruit is love, joy, peace.  Hate and love
are opposites, so if we have hate in our lives then we do not have the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  IF
we can continue to hate someone without being chastened of God then we are not saved.   A
person who has hatred and bitterness in their lives can claim to be a Christian, but by their fruits
they are known. Matthew Henry states (Page 2445) of some who say they are Christians,  “yet
they walk in hatred and enmity toward their Christian brethren...therefore remain in their dark
state, not withstanding their pretend conversion to the Christian religion.”  People who live with
constant hate have only accepted Jesus with the head and not with the heart.  According to John
Calvin (Page 249), “The whole perfection of life is often placed in love for God.”  Our love for
God will be evident in our love for others.  Romans 13:8   When we love each other we fulfill the
law.  The only way to have true love is to have the Holy Spirit who produces that love within us.
Unconditional love or agape love can only come from God.  Continuance in hatred is a sign of we
serve.  Continuance in love also shows who we serve.  Do we serve the Lord God of Heaven or
we do serve something else?

Verse 10  Those who love their brother and produce the fruit of the Spirit show through their
love that they are in the light.  Our lives demonstrate who we serve.  By allowing the Holy Spirit
to flow in and through us we keep ourselves from falling to temptations.  We do not stumble.
James 4  tells us to be humble and surrender or submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee
from you.  Complete surrenderance to God is the way to have love produced in our lives and to
avoid falling into sin.  Matthew Henry (Page 2445), says that the person who has Godly love
produced in their life show “his light to be good and genuine.”  He further states that “Hatred is a
sign of spiritual darkness.”  As the Bible says ‘by their fruits ye shall know them’.  Our fruits show
who we belong to.

Verse 11 The person who is filled with hate is referred to as someone who is blind.  They can’t
see, because they are in darkness.  The Bible refers to unbelievers as being blind over and over.
The darkness of sin blinds them from the truth.  Hatred is blinding.  Many who are filled with
hatred and bitterness never see themselves as the one who may be in the wrong.  It is a sin to hold
on to anger.  The Bible tells us ‘do not let the sun go down upon your wrath’.  We are not to hold
on to anger.  We are to love and forgive even as Jesus does.   The person full of hatred has no
direction in their lives, because the darkness blinds them from seeing where they are going.  Of
course all paths except Christ lead to the same eternity of hell.  Jesus tells us “I am the Way, the
Truth, and the Life.  No man comes unto the Father but by me.”  The path of the cross is the only
path to eternal life.  We are to love even as Jesus loved us and gave Himself for us.  If we don’t
we need to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.

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