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WELCOME to Cals Garage

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Me and the CADDY!

Unfortunately, the CADDY is no longer with me. One recent Spring day a man came to the door and made an offer that I simply 'couldn't refuse'. Regardless, there will always be a place in my heart and garage should she ever choose to come back. In the meantime, I am looking for a 1966 MG Midget. I would consider others but if your just dreaming - go for the gold. Realistically, with what I can afford and especially when I consider my wife's opinion neither the CADDY nor the MG will ever cruise anywhere other than the roadways of my mind. Often asked why I chose this image of the caddy and me when I had so many different photos to choose from. The truth is that neither the Caddy nor I ever looked better than in this color pencil drawing by my loving wife Susan.

Regardless, with FaceBook, MySpace and YouTube it seemed like everyone was carving out a piece of cyber space. So I decided I would post something on the web if it served only as a short stay anchorage. And here it is. Welcome Aboard!

I was born at Lawerence and Memorial Hospital in New London, Connecticut. I went to an assortment of elementary schools but don't remember much about those days except: my kindergarten teacher stole my copy of GRIMMS' Fairy Tales and for some reason I remember the Principals name. It was Mrs. Brown. Oh, I do remember one other thing about first and second grade and that was a little blond haired girl named Becky. Anyway, I eventually matriculated to and graduated from Fitch Senior High in Groton, Connecticut which is about ten miles down the road from where I live now in North Stonington. During my high school days I lived on Cottage Street where my mom and dad, Jewell and Charlie Stafford still reside. I would be remiss if I failed to mention the two fine young ladies I also shared space with there; my sisters Jean and Joy. Jean, grew up, got married and moved to Maryland. Joy, chose to remain a litle closer and now resides in New London - just a short walk from Ocean Beach. In addition, countless other kids have called Cottage Street home as mom and dad opened their hearts and home to foster children over the years. Even after they felt too old to care for infants and toddlers they continued the tradition of a friendly family open door by serving as host family for several refugee families from Vietnam and again later for numerous foreign exchange students from the Coast Guard Academy. I don't know that I could count all the missionaries, visiting pastors, friends, neighbors or strangers that have spent time there. In fact I know some of my oldest friends, friends I haven't seen in decades, still stop in for a visit or short stay whenever they get the chance.

Back to the story, after high school I joined the Navy. It was only on a lark and I had no intention of staying very long. A short thirty six years later I hung up my uniform and stopped playing sailor. During that period I had a great time, went places and did things that I would have never done otherwise. Some of those places I never want to see again but to others I would return in a heartbeat. One of my first duty stations was the Deck Division of the Los Alamos (AFDB7) in Holy Loch, Scotland. Which proved to be both the best of times and worst of times in my Navy career. The dry dock was HARD DIRTY work but that was okay. It was the poor leadership there that was most dissappointing. However, I learned a great deal there about leadership, albeit what not to do when in charge. Perhaps the biggest thing I learned was that your people are your greatest asset and if you treat them accordingly you will be amazed at what they can acomplish. Despite the crummy days I spent on the drydock that tour of duty remains among the fondest memories of my career. Some of the people I met in Dunoon still live clearly and happily in my head and heart. Till this day I wear a silver Lion Rampant necklace as a physical reminder of those happy days, although all I really need to return to those times is to close my eyes. And yes Dunoon will always be one of the few places to which I would like to return.

While playing sailor the Navy gave me the opportunity to return to school and I graduated from N.C. State University with a BS degree in Electrical Engineering. I completed tours of duty on a number of different submarines including the USS Grouper (AGSS214)USS Haddo (SSN604)USS Abraham Lincoln (SSBN602B)USS John Marshall (SSBN611B) USS Nautilus (SSN571), USS Sam Rayburn (SSBN635B) and the USS Ohio (SSBN726G). Got to do any number of really fun and great things including command of the USS Almagordo (ARDM2). Also spent two seperate tours as the Chief Staff Officer for Commander Submarine Squadron Two - what a great waterfront job. In addition I had the wonderful 4 year opportunity to serve as the Executive Officer for Naval Submarine School the Navy's largest fleet training center. And much more that I would be more than willing to share over a coke sometime. The older I get the fewer stories I like to tell as it gets too hard to remember exactly how it went last time I told you. No one said the hero business was easy. If it was I guess everybody would have been doing it.

It is hard to believe but I am old enough to have two adult sized kids. Wow!  Heather,  a beautiful young lady now living in Atlanta, Georgia ~ never one to be content with sitting back watching the traffic she is back in school now (in addition to a fulltime job) and simply making it happen. Her good looking brother Scott lives with wife Jenni a son CJ and three dogs up North in the woods of Maine. Scotts good looks are a family curse. Oh well.

As for life aside from the Navy. I enjoyed roller skating and ice skating; my grade school principal often referred to me as 'skating on thin ice'. Also enjoyed hunting and fishing although today the worlds largest Casino unfortunately stands in place of those same fields and ponds. I was always interested in locksmithing and have earned certification as a Master Locksmith and Registered Safe Technician. I have been a small arms (pistol and rifle) marksmanship and safety instructor for a number of years. Throughly enjoy kayaking and get in the water on every opportunity. Working towards my Black Belt in Muay Thai kickboxing - seems like a lifetime goal, but fun never-the-less CHALLENGING and 'fun'. I hold both a HAM (amateur radio N1IBL) and MARS (Military Affiliate Radio NNN0AEQ) license.

One final thing about playing sailor I really need to mention - about half way through I met and married a great young gal who paints the rainbow in my day. Now retired, I am trying to learn all the stuff I was too busy for when a full time sailor. Hopefully I will now have the time to spend on those things I didn't have time for over the years most importantly taking time for friends family and self. So if you see some old bearded sailor coming down the road - stand aside he has got places to go and things to do. But as I pass by let me say 'Hey shipmate, smooth sailing' Cal

PostScript: Having repaired computers for years (side benefit of being a HAM) went back to school (Three Rivers Community College) and earned a certificate in Web Design and Development and hopefully will find that rewarding. I will periodically report back and provide an update.

If you want to pass any suggestions, thoughts or comments please send email to [email protected]

Some additional favorite people,places and things!
A link to:    Westerly Pawcatuck Region of the AACA    Groton Sportsmen's Club

A great place to visit is the Motivational Web Site of a personal friend Tom Desrosier.

Looking for another HAM? Try to find him here!
Quick callsign lookup:  

The melody you have been listening to is "In the Mood" by the Glenn Miller Band - One of my all time favorites.

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