Technical Web Links



Your quest in the Technical field will never be complete uptill you never go through these vast and various Technical Subject related links . It'll help you alot when you sit amidst an Interview Panel.



How good are you in programming ?

C ++, the OOP'S language

C ++ Tutorial

  • C++ list
  • Courses and Notes
  • Reference
  • Tutorial                                                                                            

Get on to Visual C++ and see what you are in VC++...

Internet, Dynamic HTML, Hyper Text Markup Language

Java, the language of the World Wide Web.


Java Script, the scripting language...

Common Gateway Interface



Visual Basic


Books Online for limited period

  • Windows Programming (VC++, MFC, SDK, API's Networking, ActiveX, Graphics, OLE, COM, Device Drivers, Scripts, Compression, DLL etc )



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