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Unusual usages of a wireless router/access point

Table of Contents


As I have mentioned in the description of this document, these days you can find on the market a lot of wireless routers/access points powered by a customized Linux distribution.
Moreover, those wireless routers/access points have some interesting properties. Here are some important ones:

Those properties allow the usage of those equipments as a versatile but small priced computing platform.


The ability to customize the firmware is the most important requirement. This can be done in two ways:

Original firmware customization

For an efective customization of original firmware, the manufacturer should provide as much source code as possible from the original firmware.
Pay attention to the fact that some of the parts does NOT come as source code so you cannot modify them! As an example, the network drives, the web server and the web management packages may be supplied as object files.

Using another Linux distribution

Depending on the platform used, you may find another Linux distribution that can be builded and installed on the wireless router/access point. There are few, quite evolved, and, in some ways, better than the original firmware.
You may have heard about OpenWRT, or about dd-wrt, but there are others too.
If you choose this customization branch, you must check that your equipment is supported.

Manufacturer and model

The manufacturer may be choosed if you have decided on the customization method, because not all supply the firmware's source code (not all manufacturers use Linux for their equipment), or you may like another distribution which runs on models from just a few manufacturers.

The model of your choice should be able to have the facilities you need. Or, it may be extensible whithout big efforts. Maybe the wheel is invented allready! I have seen modification that allows you to add:

Of course, not every model accept any or all that modifications.

First idea: robot

Building a robot able to move, feel, express and do something, using as a main computing core a wireless router/access point.
More details will be available.

Second idea: home management/alarm/surveillance sistem

Building a distributed home management/alarm/surveillance sistem, using components dedicated to specific tasks. The components should communicate using a mesh-like network. Each component is a wireless router/access point with a custom firmware.
More details will be available.

Third idea: car computer add-on

No matter how many computers you have in your car, there is always room for one more. And, if the new one has small power requirements, it can run all the time.
More details will be available.

Fourth idea: portable time counter for quarter mile races

You may have heard about quarter mile races. You may have seen some at TV. You may be a participant. If not, here is the basic idea: two drivers are competing to see which one drives a quarter mile (or 400 meters) faster.
Generally there is no time counter to see the time exactly, so performance improving is a kind of experiment. Using a time counter it will be easy for participants to compare their successive times not just to compare their performance with others.
More details will be available.


Copyright and License

This document is copyrighted (c) 2006 by Calin Radoni. Permission is granted to copy and/or distribute this document.


No liability for the contents of this document can be accepted. Use the concepts, examples and information at your own risk. There may be errors and inaccuracies that could be damaging to your system. Proceed with caution, the author do not take any responsibility.

All copyrights are held by their respective owners, unless specifically noted otherwise. Use of a term in this document should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. Naming of particular products or brands should not be seen as endorsements.

Copyright © 2005 - 2009 Calin Radoni Hosted on Last page modification is 20 December 2006
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