Stat Veritas
Seeking the full participation of all baptized Catholics in the life of the Church
Predicting the Headlines
At the blog "Catholic Church Conservation," the author has posted some funny predictions for the headlines when the pope's motu proprio finally comes out:
National Catholic Register: "Millions Rejoice as New Day Dawns"
National Catholic Reporter: "Anger, Shock Greet New Papal Document"
Associated Press: "Pope Issues Stern Rebuke, Imposes Latin Mass"
USCCB Statement: "Bishops Eagerly Accept Motu Proprio with Profound and Obsequious Gratitude"
Society of St. Pius X: "Another Nefarious Deception by Vatican Modernists"
Catholic News Service: "Opinions Differ on Impact of Motu Proprio"
I can't top these, but I'd like to add the title for the lead editorial in America magazine: "The Motu Prorio in the Pews: Toward a New Hermeneutic of Reform."
2007-06-01 14:22:35 GMT

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