Stat Veritas
Seeking the full participation of all baptized Catholics in the life of the Church
The Awe of Tradition

In an opinion piece on the revival of the traditional Mass, Rod Dreher of the Dallas Morning News describes a primary conflict in the Catholic Church and, indeed, in other religions as well:

Traditionalists of any religion fundamentally differ from modernists in that they see truth as objective and delivered within the rules, rituals and teachings of the tradition. Truth, so considered, is something around which individuals must shape their lives. The modernist sees religious truth as subjective, something that can be shaped to fit the lives of individuals in different times and places.

Here we have a summary of at least the last 150 years of a battle for the direction of the Catholic Church. Finally, someone in the media has avoided the facile soundbites that usually accompany reporting on the traditional Latin Mass.

2007-05-29 13:16:20 GMT

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