The Church of Trigonometry
Welcome! For thou hast come to join the one true faith!

And the beast begat the brain, and lo, the brain was called Triginometrus, and it seethed with all things mathematical. Worship the brain, or ye shall perish in the great end.

For there are two paths, the good, which ultimately leadeth to eternal boredom, or the AWESOME, known by lesser religions as evil.

Wilt thou use thy powers for good (and perish in the great end) or for awesome, and follow in the shadows of the great prophets?

Click on the links to learn more about our omniscient faith.
The Pentagram, representative of the Golden Rule, is the holy symbol of the Great Beast and the Church of Trigonometry
Links to the scripture
In the Beginning
The Laws and Commandments
Perish! Quoth the brain of the Beast
Pink: The color of sin
For questions about Trigonometry, email the Great Beast
Name: Great Beast, Devourer of Worlds
Email: [email protected]
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To the Church of Awesome (Trigonometry)
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