So, you're probably wondering - "What is this... conspiracy?" Well, that's for me to know, and for you to find out. After all, if I told you, it wouldn't be a conspiracy anymore, now would it? This webpage is run by none other than me, the Scandalous Squid. Among other things, I enjoy music, painting, photography, and films... just like everyone else in the world. Because I have only recently learned Hyper-Text Markup Language (in case you nitwits didn't know - HTML), you will find, possibly to immense frustration, certain parts of the site that are incomplete. In the 'Doodles' section, you will find few of my superior little cartoons, comic strips, and anything else visual I feel like posting. In the 'Music' page, you will find a band/artist index complete with links, and my featured artist of the month. In the 'Calamari' section, you will find... well, I'm really not quite sure what you will find. Among other things, this website is a place for me to prove how much more postmodern the Scandalous Squid is than you. You must be amazed by my level of intellect. Admit it, you're jealous.

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