Fire Prevention and Awareness

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Choose Your Destination - Homepage of the Alliance for Consumer Fire Safety in Europe - Homepage of the US National Fire Protecction Association, based in Quincy, Massachussetts. Includes a National Fire Escape Survey and some interesting slides. - Homepage of the not-for-profit Fire Saffety Institute, based in Middlebury, Vermont, USA. Focuses on information, research, and education related to innovative approaches to fire safety science and engineering. - The United States Fire Administration, part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has an on-line Fire Safety Education Resource Directory which can help you learn how to prevent fires. See also the fact-sheets of their Fire Stops With You campaign. - For links to fire laboratories, governmment facilities, societies and organisations involved in fire protection. This site is hosted by the Centre for Firesafety Studies of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA. - International Fire & Safety Agenciees can be found on the Fire & Safety Directory. - Fire safety tips for computers are avaiilable on this site. - Trade association started in 1963, reprresenting fire equipment distributors,  suppliers, and affiliates The Fire Station is for Firefighters, by a firefighter, as a resource to find information about Fire Departments and other fire related sources. - FireSafe is the home page/resource direectory for Safety Information. We offer websites and document hosting to agencies and non-profit organizations at Fire, Police and Marine Safety/Lifeguard agencies are included along with Seasonal Safety Information. Public and private agencies, associations and suppliers are welcome. - The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVVFC) is a non-profit membership association representing the interests of the volunteer fire, EMS and rescue services. The NVFC serves as the information source regarding legislation, standards and regulatory issues.

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