Margot interests besides her music and dancing are varied but her main ones are:   
Author - Margot is co-author of a book - "ASPECTS OF EARLY BLACKWOOD, - The Goldfield, The Landmarks and the Pioneers".  Margot wrote half the book in 1980 with Alan Buckingham.  Margot has had 5 editions printed and has sold over 4,000 copies.   Last re-print was in 2003. She is trying to find time to finish her research and publish another book to be called 'The History of Blackwood'.  So far she has typed up over 200 pages.
Copies of Aspects of Early Blackwood can be had for $11 by contacting Margot - Email her by clicking here.     
To see Margot's book  - click here

Connections with Blackwood , Victoria - Margot's grandchildren are the 5th generation to go to Blackwood for holidays.  Margot's family own a holiday house in Blackwood which was built by Margot's grandfather, Walter Warner in 1930.  Margot has over recent years finished the renovations with help from several builders.
Her great-grandmother, Fanny Eliza Conlon (nee Burrows) went to live in Blackwood in the late 1880's.   Her grandmother Frances Kate Warner (nee Conlon) went to school there from the age of 6 - 12 years.
Margot's holiday house at Blackwood house for RENT.   
Available at times to rent for holidays or short term by contacting Margot -  email by clicking here . 

SOCIETY.   Margot went to the first meeting of the Society and became a member and has been Official Historian for over 20 years.  Margot has researched much of the early history of Blackwood in her capacity as Historian.   Blackwood is an old gold mining town with gold having been found there in 1854.  Rich in early history and was one of the biggest gold mining areas closest to Melbourne.   

Family Historian - Having compiled the family Genealogical information and in so doing found some very interesting information.
Family surnames researched include, ROBERTS, HITCHCOCK, WARNER, MASON, BURROWS, and CONLON.

Genealogist - Margot was a member of the A.I.G.S. (Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies) and was a professional Researcher with 
A.A.G.R.A  (Australian Association of Genealogists & Record Agents).
Now Genealogy has taken a back seat as Margot's interests diverse.   But as time allows she hopes to get back into more research soon.

Photography - having been a keen photographer since her Grandfather gave her first camera in primary school.  Having worked in the Customer Service Dept. at Kodak added interest to this hobby.  Gained experience in making copies off old photos especially ones of Blackwood and has the biggest collection of Historical photos of  Blackwood .  Margot has a collection of photos on display at the Blackwood General Store.  Margot has taken copies off old family photos and is currently in the process of scanning in old family photos onto disc and then transferring them onto CD

House Renovations, having helped renovate four houses,  now a well earned rest from it with her newly acquired house which is only 2 years old and it has all been done.. But can't help myself now having some additions done and some work on the garden.   Gardening being another hobby.

Sewing - Margot is the Costume co-Ordinator of the Melbourne Colonial Dancers and helped design the current Colonial costumes worn by the Colonial Dancers when they perform for events and festivals.   The ladies costumes are based on the 1860's style of crinolines worn by ladies at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat, Victoria.  Margot has made nine Colonial dresses and wears them to Balls and when performing.   The Colonial Dancers also perform with their new Federation style costumes of which Margot has made two.

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