My Favorite


I admit it!  I was one of those kids that always had their nose stuck in a book.  As an adult I read as much as possible.  I like to read many different types of books:  from fantasy to mysteries, histories to romance, fiction to christian.  Below is some of my favorites with links to pages of theirs and mine.  If you have read a good book lately email me and let me know I am always looking for something good to read!

*I love Melanie Rawn. She writes some of the best fantasy out there. This goes to my page of her then to the Exiles site.
*I have many of Mercedes Lackey's
books.  I bought them for the horses on the covers!
*A Game of Thrones
by George R.R. Martin is a great read.  Now if only the second book would come out!  :)
*I have quite a few of the Recluce
novels by L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
*I am also a big fan of Robin Hobb's Farseer
* I can't forget David Eddings
.  Once I got sucked into his books I couldn't stop!
Recently I have started reading the Wheel of Time
series by Robert Jordan.  So far I have enjoyed so I think I will add it to my list!

Yes I read the mushy stuff on occasion.  Two of my favorites are Lois Greiman and Catherine Coulter.  I only read historical romances. I really like the ones set in medieval Europe.  Knights in shining armor are just so cool.

I love Mary Higgins Clark!  I just can't get enough of her stories and it is fun to try to figure out who done it before you get to the end!

*Whether you believe in a higher being or not the Left Behind series is a wonderfully captivating read.  So far there is four books with more to come.  This series is purely fictional but based on Bible facts.
*Another good read is anything by Frank Peretti.  fictional books with a christian message.  I would also classify them as good mysteries.  His book The Oath
gave me the willies!

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